5 Symptoms of Breast Cancer Every Woman Should Know

Breast cancer grows out of breast tissue. There could be various reasons behind a woman getting affected by Breast

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Cancer. Few of them can be smoking, obesity, alcohol consumption, early age menstruation, not conceiving at all and family history. Earlier, breast cancer was a taboo. People were too embarrassed to talk about it which lead to silence about the precautions and cures. Women chose to suffer in pain rather than opening about it. After advancement in surgery and increased cases of breast cancer in the country, it became important for the people to be aware about the disease, especially women. In early 1940s, campaigns related to awareness for breast cancer started to run. Later, a lot of feminist movements gave rise to Breast Cancer Movements spreading awareness about the disease, symptoms and treatment.

Following are the symptoms one can experience if affected by this grave disease:

1. Discharge from the nipple

Liquid discharge from the breasts might be a risky sign. The discharge could be bloodlike or clear liquid. If a mother is not on her lactation period and is still discharging a milky liquid then, it is advisable to visit the doctor. It might or might not be a symptom of breast cancer.

2. Lump in the breasts

Swollen breasts or a clump in the breast, point towards breast cancer. If you have felt that with your breasts, don’t procrastinate and visit the doctor immediately.

3. Difference in the skin texture

Experiencing a change in the skin of the breast to orange peel-like structure and widened pores are major symptoms of having a breast cancer.

4. Unexplained change in breasts or nipples
Suspicious swelling, shrinkage, hollowness, anywhere in the breast or nipples is a danger sign. Similarly, scales and redness or sudden asymmetry in skin of the breast can be harmful indication.

5. Constant Pain

Continuous aching of the breasts or armpits can be another symptom of breast cancer. Don’t wait it to grow, visit the doctor.

To avoid getting into this serious situation take easy precautionary steps. Keep a check of your weight, follow a regular exercise routine if not that, be physically active. Breastfeeding for mothers can also reduce the chances of having a breast cancer; it is advisable to breastfeed for at least one year. Understand the history of your family, if women are found to be often diseased with breast cancer then you are at higher risk, consult a doctor to be aware and sure. Refrain from alcohol consumption. Smokers are likely to get affected by breast cancer, especially if started from an early age. High cholesterol levels and fat consumption are also one of the possible reasons to increase the risk.

While diagnosing, stages of a breast cancer are measured in the TNM system. T refers to Tumor and its size, N refers to the tumor reaching to the lymph Nodes and M in TNM refers to the situation, if the tumor has Metastasized or not.

Need of the hour is to be aware, save yourself, your near and dear ones from this difficult situation.

