6 Ayurvedic Herbs that Lower Blood Sugar Levels Naturally

About 50% of people have prediabetes or have full blown Type 2 Diabetes.

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While a lot of information and data  is there, it’s time to revamp the basics principles of Ayurveda. Ayurvedic herbs have shown beneficial effects in promoting healthy metabolic functions by addressing blood sugar imbalances in diabetic studies. These time- tested ingredients support healthy blood glucose levels and effectively balance and maintain a healthy metabolic system.

  1. JamunI or Indian Blackberry is the most popular anti-diabetic fruit in the ancient medicine.
  • Apart from its rich Antioxidant properties, the seed of the plant contain Jamboline and Jambosine that slows down the conversion of starch to sugar and boost insulin production.
  • It has shown hypoglycemic effects with up to 30% reduction in blood sugar.
  • The diuretic effects of jamun flushes toxins out of the kidneys, while the high fibre content aids in digestion. A healthy digestive system can help in giving a boost to immunity and reduce risks and side effects associated with diabetes.
  • Jamun is a powerhouse of various nutritional components like Vit-A, Vit-C, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, fiber, protein and carbohydrates.

How to use– You can eat jamun raw or consume it seeds after drying them. Powder dried jamun seeds and consumed with warm milk and water. Consume this drink before meals.


  1. Gurmar/ Madhunashini or Cow plant is another popular herb in Ayurveda used to treat diabetes. The leaves of Gurmar are loaded with gymnemic acids, that can suppress the taste of sugar on the tongue. Due to this , it is often called “sugar destroyer” and used extensively in diabetes treatment. It has multiple benefits in Diabetes management other than stabilising HbA1C, fasting and post-meal blood sugar levels .
  • It improves insulin response to food thereby lessening use of insulin therapy and oral hypoglycaemic drugs.
  • It block receptors in intestine and lower sugar absorption thereby controlling postprandial blood sugar levels.
  • Gurmar leaves can repair the damaged pancreatic beta cells and restore insulin secretion from the pancreas.
  • Gudmar extracts works effectively to burn fat and loose excess weight.

How to use: Consume one teaspoon of powdered gurmar leaves with water 30 min after lunch and dinner. This will adjust the absorption of carbohydrates in the body. You can also prepare Gudmar tea by brewing the leaves for about 5 min and then steeping for 10-15 min before drinking.


  1. Bael Fruit (Bilva) or Wood Apple– Bael tree is believed as the favorite tree of Lord Shiva in Hindu scriptures.
  • The extract from the leaves of the Bael fruit, has been an age old cure for Diabetes in Ayurveda, Siddha and other forms of alternate medicine for thousands of years.
  • Bael fruits are also popular for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and laxative properties for use as medicine and therapeutics. This laxative property prevents constipation.
  • The anti-fungal activity effectively keeps the infections at bay.

How to use– The best way to use is to drink homemade bael sherbet. Break the fruit shell with a hard object. Scoop out the pulp, add a pinch of black pepper to make this easy sherbet.

  1. Methi or Fenugreek seeds have hypoglycemic properties that reduce the blood sugar levels significantly.
  • Fenugreek works wonders by slowing down the absorption of sugars in the stomach as well as stimulate insulin production.
  • Both of these effects lower blood sugar in people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
  • Doctors recommend a daily dose of 10gm of Fenugreek.

How to use– dry roast them a minute or two on medium heat. Add about 2 tablespoon of roasted fenugreek seeds to meals and enjoy a healthy diabetic life. Add it generously to your dals and curries. Other way is to is to boil tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water for 30 min and take ½ a spoon of this thick liquid thrice a day.


  1. Giloy or Tinospora is known as the root of immortality. It is a natural anti-diabetic medicine that can suppress craving for sweet.
  • Moreover, by increasing the pancreatic beta cells ,it smoothens the regulation of insulin and glucose in the blood.
  • It improve the digestive system, which is prime in keeping the blood sugar levels controlled.
  • Due to its immunomodulatory property, Giloy controls glycaemia in the body.

How to use: Infuse Giloy powder /leaves/ bark in water and drink it early in the morning.

   6. Sadabahar or Periwinkle is a commonly found flowering herb in Indian houses. Its leaves along with the flowers are known to act as natural medicine for type-2  diabetes.

  • Consumption of flower extract activates the production of insulin from the β-pancreatic cells. 
  • It helps to reduce the breakdown of starch into glucose that in turn leads to lowering of  blood glucose levels. The excellent hypoglycaemic property of Periwinkle significantly alleviates blood sugar by  the escalating digestive fire (Agni).

How to use: Just pluck and  chew a few fresh leaves to manage blood sugar levels naturally. Another way to use it is to take the pink-coloured Sadabahar flowers and boil them in a cup of water. Strain the water and drink it every morning empty stomach.
