BCG Vaccine

BCG Vaccine is normally offered to infants and children under 5 years of age to protect against severe forms of TB in infants and young children e.g. meningeal TB (infection of the layers over the brain) and miliary TB

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.When should my baby get the vaccine?

It is given from birth to 15 days ideally, however can be given upto 6 months of age. In India, BCG can be given upto 5 years of age.

How effective is the vaccine?

It does not completely prevent Tuberculosis however protects against the severe forms of the disease to some extent.

How long does the vaccine protection last ?

The vaccine protection wanes off after 10-15 years on an average. There is no blood test to determine about the amount of protection/immunity conferred by the vaccine.

How is the vaccine given?

The BCG vaccine is given with a small needle in the skin on the left upper and outer arm.

What if i missed the BCG dose?

Beyond 6 months the doctor may advise a Mantoux test and then accordingly decide about the vaccination

Are there any side effects of the vaccine?

Common side effects:

  • Swollen glands and tiredness
  • Small blister or ulcer at the injection site that may take up to three months to heal
  • Scar at the injection site

RARE reactions are:

  • Bone inflammation
  • Abscess
  • Disseminated BCG disease, can be fatal when the BCG is given to a person with a weakened immune system
  • Severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)
Who should NOT get the vaccine?

Infants and young children:

  • Receiving steroids or other immune suppressive treatment, including radiotherapy
  • Suffering from some cancers
  • In whom an immune compromising disease is known or suspected
  • Known to be infected with HIV, including newborns with suspected HIV infection
  • When eczema is present, an immunisation site should be chosen which is free of skin lesions
  • Administration of BCG Vaccine should be postponed if suffering from a fever over 38°C
  • Severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)


What if my baby is premature?

Preterm babies are given the vaccination after weight crosses 2 kg and are clinically stable.

What if my baby did not get the BCG scar?

Formation of scar is neither necessary nor is the only indication of success of BCG vaccine. However it is the only simple & convenient way of determining success of BCG vaccine. It may take 3-6 months for the scar to form. If no scar is visible at all after 6 months one needs to do Mantoux test. If negative, one should give repeat BCG.

Can BCG be given with other vaccines?

Yes, generally at birth BCG is given with Oral polio and Hepatitis B, It can be given with other vaccines except MMR/Measles.

If we are not residents of INDIA but planning to visit ,should i vaccinate my baby?

In many countries BCG is not a part of routine vaccination, if travelling to an endemic country for a short time or if age is above 5 years there is no need to vaccinate. One should consider getting BCG if During their first five years will be living for three months or longer in a country with a TB rate of 40 or more cases per 100,000 people and are likely to be exposed to those with TB. Do consult your pediatrician for case to case based guidance.
