What’s What of Pregnancy Exercise

Are you a fitness freak, or are you a couch potato? Either way, most women like to get moving when pregnant.

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Most doctors today recommend light pregnancy exercise for better overall health for you and your baby. Read on, to get to know the benefits of pregnancy exercise, what you can do, and what you should not do.

Exercising during pregnancy benefits your body in ways you couldn’t have imagined. Do you feel bloated and constipated? Exercise can fix that. Are you feeling low or stressed during pregnancy? Exercise fixes that, too!

Any exercise that does not put a strain on your joints is recommended for you. Aerobic exercises, in particular, have been deemed safe and good during pregnancy. Walking is one of the best exercises; it not only gives you a total body workout, but it also ensures the least pressure on your muscles and joints. Water aerobic workouts and swimming are exercises that help support your weight, with the least pressure on your muscles. A stationary bicycle is also beneficial, in that it involves low-risk exercise. As your baby bump grows, you may lose your balance a lot easier if on a regular bicycle.

Yoga and Pilates are also great ways to get your exercise. Yoga during pregnancy helps to relieve stress, help you sleep better, and prevents depression both during and after pregnancy, besides having other benefits. Now, there are even prenatal yoga classes that you can enroll yourself in, that have modified positions designed to improve balance and flexibility in pregnant women.

Most exercise is recommended for 30 minutes every day, on almost all days, that is, a total of 150 minutes of exercise per week. Do take the following precautions for a comfortable workout:

  • Hydrate yourself
  • Do not let yourself become heated
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes
  • Wear a sports bra for good support and, later on, a pregnancy belt to help prevent pain
  • Exercise in a room with controlled temperature

Exercise during pregnancy does wonders, but be extra cautious and remember to keep moving!
