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Menopause is no reason to put a pause on life!

Menopause is a natural process.

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Thinking of this in Indian women, we are immediately taken back to a more silent experience. Given the place of an Indian woman in the society today and the numerous pressures that are mounted on her fertility or the lack thereof, it is but natural that many women undergoing menopause today choose to stay quiet.

A staggering 467 million women between the ages of 40-48 years have undergone menopause in 1990 worldwide, and it has been projected that by 2030, 1200 million women will have experienced it. The implication of post-menopausal health must, therefore, be taken into consideration nationally in terms of health programmes and education. More than half the women in India are unaware of it and the consequences that poor post-menopausal health can cause. This is compounded by the fact that significant strides were made in the last century to increase our lifespan. One such event was that of menopause, where you, as a woman can live a third of your life post-menopause. But what is most striking of all and something that we must take initiative to do away with, is the gender disparity. In the quintessential Indian society, the gender biases against women whether in urban or rural settings is large. However, such issues should not stop you from coming forward and assessing your health as you would when pregnant so that you can reduce the risk for cancers, and heart issues. 

The bias is better explained in the contexts of heightened interest placed on women of the childbearing age and the ignorance of a woman’s health at the end of her of childbearing years. The glaring contrast here holds back many a woman from being vocal about what she goes through. For a society that is steeped in myth and tradition, reproductive and sexual problems are considered taboo.

It is no wonder that such a society has over 76% percent of urban and rural Indian women experiencing hot flushes, fatigue, mood swings, lowered libido, and other sexual problems, being borne in silence. While this is a dire reality, what we must be telling ourselves at the outset is that menopause like childbirth is a natural process. It is a perfect cycle that begins with menses, leads to childbirth and ends in menopause.

So the question we really need to ask ourselves is, “Are we wary of menopause, or should we embrace it and take it in stride”? You decide.
