Is that an Allergy?- Manage in 3 Simple Steps

Before we delve into that three-step Allergy Management Plan, let us refresh our knowledge of what allergies are, what causes these allergies, and what makes them manageable.

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What Is an Allergy?

An allergy occurs when the body reacts to substances that are otherwise normal. This can be pollen, dust mites, dust, animal hair, food, medication, mold, and insect bites (all of which are known as allergens). Allergies can manifest as breathing problems, a runny nose, sneezing, or skin rashes. 

Breaking Down the Cause of Allergies

One day, a child brings in a stray cat and proudly shows it to her mother. The mother then allows her daughter to keep the cat, seeing she cared for it very much. However, a few days later, the girl’s brother falls sick. He starts sneezing, wakes up every morning feeling sickly, and even has some breathing difficulty when lying down.  The mother takes him to the hospital; the doctor, on probing the changes at home, tells the mother her son is allergic to the cat. Now, you must wonder, the mom and the daughter have no issues with the presence of the cat, then how can the son be affected, right? This brings us back to, the body reacting to something that is harmless in non-allergic people. For an allergic individual, animal hair is harmful. When the body comes in contact with an allergen, the immune system responds by manifesting sneezing, breathlessness, or rashes on the skin. If there are food or medication allergies, other signs, such as diarrhea and vomiting, can also be seen. Allergies, however, can be managed!

The Three-Step Allergy Management Plan

Step 1: Documentation: Recording where and when allergies occur is a great way to determine what exactly you may be allergic to. You can accordingly avoid allergens and prevent an allergic reaction.

Step 2: Avoidance: The next step is avoiding your allergens. However, this is often easier said than done, especially in children. Children should carry a list of allergens, and the reactions caused by such allergens, at all times. In case they have a reaction, they will know better the next time around.

Step 3: Medical Treatment: Make sure to be in constant touch with your doctor and take the prescribed medications. In doing this, your symptoms may reduce, and you will most certainly feel better.

Keep those surroundings clean & allergies away!!


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