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This is why you should never eat vegetable oil or margarine: 5 eye opening facts

Suppose if I ask you whether vegetable oil is healthy or unhealthy, what would your answer be?

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Vegetable oil made from vegetables, isn’t it? So, vegetable oils are healthy. Simple! Although most people would have given the same answer; unfortunately, it’s not true!

Several studies have demonstrated the negative effects of vegetable oil on the human body. These effects lead to pathological changes in the body and contribute to multiple diseases.

Given below are 5 reasons why vegetable oil are harmful

Use of Unnatural Methods during Industrial Processing

Vegetable oil derived from canola (from rapeseed), soy, safflower, sunflower, soybean, hemp, corn, nuts, seeds, etc.

However, the methods involved in the preparation of vegetable oil are very unnatural.

For e.g., canola oil obtained from a version of rapeseed which is both genetically modified and treated with pesticides. The rapeseeds heated at unnaturally high temperatures (which makes them rancid) and also processed with a petroleum solvent for oil extraction.

Moreover, Its treated with chemicals to improve their color, and finally, deodorized to disguise the awful smell arising from chemical processing.

Presence of High Levels of Omega-6 Fatty Acids

Have you heard about the omega fatty acids?

Usually, the body requires a balance (preferably in the ratio of 1:1) of two essential fatty acids obtained from food, namely Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Vegetable oil – known to possess a high concentration of Omega-6 fatty acids and polyunsaturated fats, which cause an imbalance in the ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

This imbalance has been related to precipitation of many types of cancers, especially skin cancer. Imbalance of these fats can also damage the intestines and when consumed along with processed grain can cause a host of food allergies and immunity problems.

Presence of Excess Amounts of Trans Fat

Trans fat a type of unsaturated fat, which is modified to remain solid at room temperature.

These fats linked to an increased risk of several diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Also, they have a high toxicity.

The sad part about vegetable oil is that they often contain massive amounts of trans fat.

So, it’s not just enough to overcome your craving for regular trans fat sources, such as cookies and processed foods, you also need to stop consuming vegetable oil.

The potential for Causing Reproductive and Hormonal Problems

Vegetable oils have been shown to have damaging effects on the reproductive system as well as the developing bodies of unborn babies and children. When the cells are made of the wrong kind of fats and oxidized, they can produce mutations in the rapidly dividing cells of the reproductive system both in men and women.

Excess consumption of vegetable oils can also interfere with the production of hormones. Vegetable oils are the most damaging when they are hardened by hydrogenation to convert them into margarine.

A tendency to Cause Inflammation

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are utilized by the body to make substances called eicosanoids.

Eicosanoids are responsible for playing a vital role in bodily functions, such as cellular messaging, immunity, and inflammation.

Suppose you have a headache and you pop in aspirin or ibuprofen, you find immediate relief because these drugs inhibit the eicosanoid pathways and reduce inflammation.1

A diet that is high in Omega-6 but low in Omega-3 is responsible for producing inflammation, whereas a diet which possesses balanced amounts of both Omega-6 and Omega-3 reduces inflammation.

Since vegetable oils have high levels of Omega-6, their consumption can perpetuate an inflammatory process in the body.

Increased inflammation can also lead to various serious diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, arthritis, depression, and even cancer.

In a Nutshell

Vegetable oils are absolutely unhealthy. They can cause problems associated with reproduction, low birth rate, hormonal issues, obesity, mental decline, and inflammation. They are also responsible for the burning issues of our times: cancer and heart disease.



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