Weekly Progress: Second trimester of Pregnancy

The very middle of pregnancy… This perhaps when you go around telling everyone you are pregnant. This is also when the pregnancy starts to feel even more realistic. The Second Trimester Pregnancy is from week 13 to week 28.

Weeks 13 and 14

Where your morning sickness ends and your renewed energy begins. Even if you feel like you are up for a marathon, pace yourself. Work out to the extent where you can speak a full sentence without feeling too breathless. This would be an ideal time to start off prenatal yoga classes if you haven’t already at the start of your pregnancy. Pilates and swimming are other activities for you to consider. Ensure to check with your health provider before you enroll in any activity.

Week 15

This is the week for another round of diagnostic tests. While optional, these tests are highly recommended. Make an appointment to test multiple markers and the amniocentesis. Both these tests look for chromosomal abnormalities and neural tube defects. The tests are performed between 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Week 16

Generally, women do feel baby movements by this week (Not all women during this week of gestation feel baby movement, it may vary from person to person).

Week 17

Your dreams are now vivid and bizarre, filling you with anxiety about childbirth. Childbirth education classes should give you all the help you need.

Week 18

More and more urination after this stage! As your baby grows, your bladder shrinks (seemingly). Drink more fluids during the daytime and lesser towards bedtime. Avoid tea and coffee, as they are natural diuretics.

Week 19

A good time to resume pregnancy sex unless you have complications and have been told otherwise. Enjoy your baby-free days, as it only gets more and more hectic from here on.

Week 20

You are halfway through your whole pregnancy. You will notice that the bump has reached the navel already. Plan for your baby now—getting the nursery ready; buying baby clothes, toys, etc.

Week 21

If you have diabetes, hypertension, multiple babies, or are over the age of 35, this is the time you need to be aware of preeclampsia. It is a good time to plan a visit to the doctor at this stage, in any case.

Week 22

Your baby now weighs a few kilograms and you may start to feel it. Hemorrhoids and constipation are common during this week. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids and eat fiber-rich foods. Contact your doctor if your symptoms persist.

Week 23-25

Avoid long-distance travel, be wary of gestational diabetes and feel your ankles swell up. You will stay up at night with leg cramps and even heartburn. Keep your prescribed antacids handy, and tuck a pillow beneath your legs when in bed.

Week 26-28

Weight gain galore! At this stage, you will be putting on several kilos per week. But your food needs only increase by 300 kilocalories. Continue with your pregnancy healthy diet and wait expectantly for birth and for Second Trimester Pregnancy.



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