Is The Lock-Down Making You Anxious? Here is What You Can Do

Lock downs have occurred in almost all major countries of the world, people are being asked to practice social distancing- they are working from home, schools are shut and they are being asked to only step out of the house for necessary chores. People, are dealing with new routines and struggling to stay at home especially if they are used to staying out all day long.

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For some home might not be a safe space- it could trigger anxiety and even depression especially if they live in a toxic environment. 

Taking care of your mental health in these times is as important as looking after your physical health.

Let us divide it into three parts:

  • Things to do for yourself
  • Things to do for your loved ones
  • Things you should do if you are a caregiver and looking after someone who is sick 



‘Kindness begins at home’, well you are your home. Your mind and body belong to you and there is no way that you should ignore your well being.

The first thing to do is take a break from reading, watching or hearing news or other informative stuff around COVID-19. Surrounding yourself with only information and news all day long is capable of triggering anxious responses in the body. 

The next thing you can do is indulge in some self-care activities. You can also workout at home. Workout and Yoga is known to release certain feel good hormones and uplift your mood. 

If you have a pre-existing mental condition,make sure to take your medicines regularly and stay in touch with your doctor. In case if you feel that this lock down is worsening your current state of mind, reach out for help- talk to your loved ones, your doctor or anyone you trust. We are in this together.


If you have kids at home, talk to them and explain them about the situation reasonably without making them panic. Explain them what is social distancing and why is it so important. 

Stick to routines- wake up on time, have your meals on time and go to bed on time.

Find ways to keep your kids engaged and entertained with activities. Give them fun activities to do at home or ask them to join you in your chores.

Make your loved ones understand that they are fortunate enough to have enough food supplies and groceries at home. A lot of people do not have access to that as well. 


It is very common for caregivers, doctors, nurses and paramedical staff to experience anxiety and stress. They can also experience something known as Secondary traumatic stress reactions i.e. reaction to all the stress and trauma that they see around them.

So the best thing you can do for yourself in such times is to stick to a fixed self-care routine. Make sure you are eating three or a minimum of two healthy meals in a day. Remove time to rest and take short breaks in between. Sleep on time and make sure you are getting at least 6 hours of sleep at night.

If you feel overwhelmed or if you feel that dealing with sick individuals is taking a toll over your emotional health- reach out to someone who can help you. It is best to take a break and let yourself heal too.

The whole idea is to tell ourselves that this is just a temporary halt and for our own benefit. We shall be out of this soon, stronger and happier than ever!

So be patient and just hang in there! We all shall sail through it!

