Categories Mental Health

How to stay focussed and productive when working from home.

Whether you’re working from home in the wake of the
coronavirus pandemic or you’re already a full-time freelancer or on a
distributed team, remote work can come with unique challenges. Especially if
you’re not used to it, it can be tough to channel the same level of focus that
you might have in an office setting. And when you’re suddenly away from the
rest of your team, a lack of collaboration and connection can be difficult to

Below are the small steps we can take to reduce distractions
and protect our well-being when working remotely. Which of these tips will you

  • Establish clear
    working hours

a creature of habit, and though I could work from
anywhere in the world, nothing beats routine. I run my errands in the morning,
start my workday between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., and only work in my office
space. I simply refuse to look at my work email once I’ve signed off for the
day. Having a routine and boundaries helps keep me sharp and focused, and
allows me to enjoy my evenings.

Katie Stearns, P.R. manager at BeeBole Timesheet, Spain

  • Close
    non-work-related tabs

I’ve never worked in an office. I’ve had to create my
schedule and also train others who have been independent for years. To stay
focused, I suggest doing two simple things before you start working in the
morning: taking social media apps off your phone and closing any open tabs on
your computer. It’s easy to get distracted by alerts. You can create a system
to check them, but limit your exposure.

Rebecca Gebhardt, founder of Rise Up Consulting LLC,
Minneapolis, MN

  • Write things down

Lauren Brownstein, philanthropy consultant, Bethesda, MD

  • Tidy up first

“I find that my biggest distraction is when the space around
me feels untidy. When I work from home, I tidy up as much as possible before
bed and take a few minutes in the morning to finish any tidying. Then, I set
out my tasks that need to be accomplished for the day and start working. I find
this routine really helps my mind stay focused on my work instead of the home
things that need to get done.

Marianne D., virtual assistant, Burlington, ON, Canada

  • Change out of your

“I suggest getting dressed in workwear every day. No Pajamas
while working from home! This helps shift your mindset from I’m just going to
lounge around on the couch today It’s time to crush all my goals today.
This is actually a process I start the night before. I lay out my work clothes
for the day ahead, which actually is an old habit from when I used to work in
an office. It’s a time-saver in the morning, and it helps improve my focus for
the entire day.

Caru Jones, leadership coach, New York,NY

  • Establish a
    designated work area

“I have a dedicated office that is separated from the main
part of my house. When I am there, I am quite cut off from the rest of the
house, and I can focus on my work. I appreciate that this complete separation
is not always possible, but it’s important to have some sort of physical
boundary when working from home ideally away from your bed, kitchen, and TV.

Ranjana Panikar Pollet, investor relations consultant, and
corporate wellness consultant,U.K

  • Eat your meals in a
    different room

I find that it’s helpful to eat your meals away from your
workstation. Having a mental break and taking time for mindful eating will
result in a more productive afternoon.

Martha Switzer, co-founder of Sprout Wellness, Toronto, ON,

  • Step outside to reset

When working from home, I always try to leave my apartment
for a short break just as I do at the office for a quick reset. Most often,
I’ll run out and grab a coffee before my day starts, or pick up some lunch.
Leaving my apartment and workspace for a brief period of time allows me to move
my body, get some fresh air, and provides me with a mental reset so that I can
ensure I am productive upon returning to my work.

Alyssa Swantkoski, executive assistant, Denver, CO

  • Take a real lunch

On days I work from home, I do my best to stick to my
typical going-into-the-office routine. For example, I make sure that my alarm
goes off at the same time. I shower and get dressed as though I’m going to the
office. I take a break for lunch and since I have eliminated commute time, I
can give myself a pat on the back and sometimes wrap my day a bit earlier
because I’ve been more productive!

Tami Nealy, public relations, Phoenix, AZ

  • Start your day with

I have been running my consulting business out of my home
office for five years. Just as I commit to conference calls and meetings, I
commit to practicing daily self-care rituals. Instead of checking my email when
I wake up, I read a daily affirmation. I commit to ten minutes of mindfulness a
day, which typically includes a guided meditation or breathing exercise. My
best ideas and solutions to problems come to me when my body feels energized
and my mind is clear.

Carolyn Montrose Dub, marketing consultant, Haworth, NJ

  • Incorporate bursts of

I try to incorporate exercise throughout my day. I write
for a couple of hours, then move, and repeat this pattern throughout the day.
My movement usually includes walking, yoga, and even doing household chores.

Natalie Bonfig, writer, St. Paul, MN

  • Open the window

Over the years, I’ve learned to nourish myself while
working from home through incorporating regular short breaks, standing up,
opening the window for a deep breath, and going for a walk during lunchtime.
Diffusing some essential oils for concentration and motivation also helps me a

Michaela Ottoman, marketing and communications manager,
Gilching, Germany

  • Take little

I reward myself after I’ve completed various work tasks
with walks outside, short breaks to watch YouTube videos, and snuggles with my

Suzy Goodwin, podcast host and content creator,
Fayetteville, NC

  • Assign timeslots to
    your tasks.

When writing a to-do item in my calendar, I assign the item
a certain amount of time. When you are working at home alone, the time can
really run away from you! I find it helpful to assign blocks of specific time
to your tasks.

Lauren Brownstein, philanthropy consultant, Bethesda,MD

  • Set an alarm for
    25-minute work intervals

To stay healthy and productive when working from home, I
schedule breaks into my workday by setting an alarm for 25 minutes any time I
get in front of my computer. I focus on work for those 25 minutes and ignore
other distractions. When the alarm goes off, I get up and take a break to stretch,
move, reset my posture, and check my phone before getting back to work.

Megan Nolan, yoga instructor, and personal trainer, Maui,

  • Schedule at least one
    call or meeting

I tend to be extremely productive on the days I work
remotely, but that being said, it can come with a feeling of isolation. I make
sure that I have at least one call or meeting scheduled for the days I work
remotely, and have conversations on G-chat so the workflow can progress at an
appropriate rate. Taking these steps allows me to stay focused and feel
connected to my team.

Kaleen Skersies, real estate development, Seattle, WA

  • Notify your team
    about your priorities

Working from home can be hugely productive if you have the
discipline to carve out chunks of time dedicated to key priorities. I notify
colleagues when I am working from home, and let them know that I will be
committing the next few hours to important tasks and critical projects. This
helps to minimize interruptions.

Candice Tomlinson, learning solutions manager, Sydney,

  • Switch up your
    working space

My husband and I work at home together and now that my
daughter’s school is closed, she is studying remotely. We each have two areas
set up in different ways that we can switch off to when we get bored. All desks
are by windows and some include standing desks.

Eve Mayer, author and consultant, Carrollton, TX

  • Stay connected to

Working from home can be lonely, and having no colleagues
or teammates to talk to can be emotionally exhausting. I make an effort to sync
up with the team every day on video calls or over the phone. The daily syncs
and occasional jokes help me stay connected and not lose my mind. Talking
regularly to other humans is important for our productivity.

Priyamvada S., founder and CEO, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Do you have a go-to tip that helps you focus when working
from home? Share it with us in the comments.

This article, written by Marina Khidekel, Head of
Content Development at Thrive Global has been shared with due permission from Thrive Global To view the original article, click here.