Categories Mental Health

Safeguarding Mental Health In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence

The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we live and work. It is a technology that has gone beyond work and is playing an important role in our everyday lives. While it has made our lives easier in some aspects, it has created a new set of challenges in areas like mental health. 

Understanding the Impact of AI on Mental Health

AI tools and chatbots can slowly increase your reliance on them, which can lead to social isolation and feelings of loneliness. As more people seek answers to personal questions and use these tools to deal with different aspects of their life, privacy concerns can lead to anxiety and stress. 

AI has the potential to affect employment and job stability and this has led to many feeling on the edge and distressed. Another major concern is the possible perpetuation of biases as AI algorithms used in social media strive to keep us engaged. The ethical dilemmas surrounding AI technology can leave us feeling powerless and anxious.

How to Safeguard Mental Health in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

  • Set Boundaries
One of the first things you can do to protect your mental health is to set some boundaries on AI usage in your life. Make it a point to disconnect from technology every day at least for an hour. During that time, engage in meaningful activities like reading a book, indulging in a hobby, meditating or going for a walk. These activities will help you reduce stress levels and stay connected to the world outside of technology. While we are on setting boundaries, it is highly recommended that you turn off all notifications that are not essential to significantly reduce screen time. 

  • Practice Mindfulness 
Apart from being aware of how AI can affect us, mindfulness practice can improve our mental health and wellness. When we’re mindful, we pay attention to our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations in a non-judgemental way. Similarly, when you are engaging with AI, be aware of the interaction. Understand that AI outputs are not facts and AI tools are designed to complement human efforts and not replace them. So, use them accordingly. This will ensure that you have a healthy and balanced relationship with AI. 

  • Keep Your Social Life Alive
We don’t need people anymore to keep us engaged. The rise of AI has led to a more isolated lifestyle, manifested by increased use of social media, working remotely, and automated customer service. As convenient as they are, it’s the real-life conversations with friends, family or even strangers that can make us feel fulfilled and connected. The feeling of belongingness is one of our basic needs and its satisfaction is essential for our mental well-being. So, consciously engage in interactions with people to reduce feelings of loneliness, improve mood and increase self-esteem. 

  • Educate Yourself
“How will the rise of AI impact employment?” This is the question that has caused fear and anxiety for many in this generation. As automation and AI seem more and more capable of replacing jobs, many of us feel we can never have a secure job from now on, which constantly keeps us on the edge. The best way to mitigate this is to educate yourself about AI, its benefits, and areas of application. Learn how to leverage AI while monitoring its development. This can help reduce anxiety, as you will be equipped with the knowledge to adapt to the changes that might come your way. 

  • Stay Active
While the transition into the AI era has been taxing for many, it is essential that we maintain an active lifestyle to boost our mental and physical health. Any form of exercise can help release mood-boosting endorphins, reduce stress, and contribute to good mental health. And it is also the perfect excuse to disconnect from technology. Even 30 minutes of daily physical activity can go a long way in protecting your mental health.


AI is still said to be in its early stages and it is evolving rapidly. As it is becoming an integral part of our lives, it is crucial that we are aware of the negative impacts it can have on our mental health. By following the tips given above, you can safeguard your mental health in this automated world. With a thorough understanding of its impact, and by establishing a healthy relationship with AI, we can continue to reap its benefits without compromising our mental health.