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Missed periods – Common causes

Missed periods – Common causes 

Periods or Menstrual cycles are and part and parcel of every woman’s life! Though a girl who has just attained her menarche, would wish for her cycles to not visit her again the following month, she will definitely feel she is not fine if she doesn’t get it on specific date!!

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Cycles are such mysterious phenomenon in woman’s life! She feels sick if she gets it and she panics if she misses it!! The wrong concept about missing periods is that, most of them relate it to pregnancy!! But there are many other causes apart from pregnancy that results in missing the periods!! 

Common causes for Missed periods are – 

  • Stress – Stress in any form like exam stress, stress in personal and professional life can all lead to hormonal variations, which results in either missing your cycles or delayed cycles
  • Low body weight – If you are extremely lean then you can expect certain abnormalities in your cycles. Missing your cycles can also be one of the effect of being low in weight
  • Obesity – Being obese doesn’t mean you are safe!! It can also delay your cycles or even be a reason for missed periods. This could be due to hormonal change in obsess individuals
  • PCOS – One of the common causes for variation in periods. It is mainly due to excess production of male sex hormone, Androgen which skips or makes your cycles irregular
  • Birth control Pills – These pills are rich in Oestrogen and Progesterone, which prevents ovaries from releasing the eggs. Thus causing variation in cycles even for about 6 months after stopping the pills
  • Chronic diseases – Celiac diseases, diabetes can also cause missed periods!
  • Early menopause common in women around 40 years of age
  • Thyroid issues are also known to delay or miss periods
  • Excessive workout under the grounds to lose weight quick
  • Travelling
  • Change in body’s biological clock or routine/daily schedule
  • Breastfeeding Pregnancy is not the only cause for missed periods. Think broad and be open minded!! If you are sure of not getting involved physically with your partner, then the causes mentioned above also to be considered when you miss your periods!!