Guidelines For Every Mother For Taking Care Of The New Born Baby

A woman getting transformed into a mother is  the best feeling that gets embedded inside a mother’s soul and can be

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never get erased. Only a mother knows what it feels to be a mother.

It is said that happiness, joy, sorrow and various other emotions which transcend everything after giving birth to a new born should never go beyond the act of responsibility.

The various responsibilities of a mother are:

This is one of the essential health care for a baby. The change of diapers should be done frequently and in the best way. If not done in a proper way it may lead to Diaper rash which is harmful for the baby’s skin. While changing the diapers, a mother should keep in mind the following things like

  • A clean  diaper should always be used
  • Diaper ointment should also be used if baby has rash
  • A container of warm water should always be in place while changing the diaper of the baby.
  • Clean wash cloth, diaper cloth and cotton balls should be there.


This is a very important activity which every mother should enact in the best possible way. Sponge baths is the best way of bathing an infant. This particular activity should be done in a very hygienic way with utmost care. The basic things required for a sponge bath are

  • A clean and a soft wash cloth to wash the baby very slowly.
  • A complete fragrance-free soap and a shampoo for the baby’s body to get cleaned
  • A very soft brush to slowly stimulate the scalp of the baby.
  • Towels and blankets should be used to clean the baby.
  • A clean diaper should also be used and should be changed after a bath
  • Clean clothes.

Feeding a baby

Feeding is the most essential factor which every mother needs to keep in mind when handling a baby. A new born needs to be feed for every 2 to 3 hours. In  breast feeding a baby should be nursed for 10 to 15 minutes with each breast. While in formula feeding, a baby will consume about 60 to 90 ml at each feeding.

Health check up

A routine health check  health check up is must for a baby. A baby may suffer from various little things at this age and it is not possible for them to express their pain or problems. It is mandatory for a mother to do a regular health check up.

The existence of a baby in a mother’s life is the most precious thing that one can have. After the delivery there are also some changes in the health of a mother. So, a proper woman care should be taken in order to live a healthy and a happy life with a new born.

