All I need to know about burping my baby

1) Why do we need to burp the baby:

During breastfeeding the baby swallows a lot of air, which collects in the tummy. It may cause discomfort and fussiness and occasionally vomiting. Burping is basically letting out the gas through the food pipe and out of the mouth. It helps to expel the gas and ensure comfort.

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2) When to burp:

  • Burping your baby after every feed in the first few months (up to 6 months of age) is a good idea.
  • In addition, you can burp your baby between feeds also- burp them before switching from one breast to the other and in bottled babies burp them after feeding every 2 ounces.
  • Babies who spit up a lot can be burped after every 1 ounce.
    • Over the shoulder: Hold your baby on your chest with the face looking over your shoulder, and gently pat or rub the back.
    • Sitting over the lap: Make the baby sit on your lap facing away from you and support the chest, leaning forward and gently rub or pat the back.
    • Over the lap: Make the baby lie face down across your lap, and gently rub the back. The head should not fall over below the level of the body.

    As you feed frequently over the next 3-4 days, the milk increases in volume and changes to a more mature milk which is opaque, watery, whitish milk.

    3) What are the different methods of burping?

    • Over the shoulder: Hold your baby on your chest with the face looking over your shoulder, and gently pat or rub the back.
    • Sitting over the lap: Make the baby sit on your lap facing away from you and support the chest, leaning forward and gently rub or pat the back.
    • Over the lap: Make the baby lie face down across your lap, and gently rub the back. The head should not fall over below the level of the body.

    As you feed frequently over the next 3-4 days, the milk increases in volume and changes to a more mature milk which is opaque, watery, whitish milk.

    4) My baby doesn’t burp after a feed. How long do i wait?

    Generally most babies burp in 5-10 minutes. One may hold as long as 20 minutes. However some babies do not burp at all. As long as the baby is comfortable, do not fret.

    5) My baby spit up while burping. Do i need to worry?

    No. It is common for the baby to spit up a curdy white or milky substance while burping. Make sure to use a cloth or bib on your shoulder to avoid soiling.

    6) My baby falls asleep immediately after/during breastfeeding. How do i burp her?

    A sleeping baby does not let out a burp. However you may need to hold the baby erect for some time across your shoulder or make her lie down on her tummy on your lap. This helps to reduce the choking in sleep due to the spit up .

    7) Is it true that bottle-fed babies get more gas?

    Yes, more air is swallowed during bottle-feeding, causing more gases in these babies. Ensure the nipple of the bottle is always full of milk when the baby is feeding from a bottle. Age appropriate nipples should be used. Using an advanced stage nipple causes milk to flow faster and the baby gulps more air in the process. Certain types of special bottles are available i.e. Vented bottles, Angled bottles, etc. minimize these problems.

    8) How long to continue Burping?

    Generally as your baby grows older, they are better at managing the swallowed air, digestion improves. By 4-6 months babies generally outgrow the need to burp. However if your little bundle remains gassy, continue to burp.
