Breast Cancer And You: Don’t Shy Away

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers today.

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It usually affects women over the age of 50, but younger women can be affected too. Today, the breast cancer awareness campaign, taken on by several national and global organizations, has helped women become more aware of the fact that they can develop it. However, more information is needed on the know-how for same, such as what puts you at risk of contracting it.

Risks of it

While the exact cause of it is not completely understood, there are certain factors that may put you at risk. These include:

  • Age: As you age, your risk for breast cancer also increases.
  • Previous diagnosis
  • A family history of breast cancer
  • A previous benign lump
  • Consuming excessive alcohol

Being overweight and obese

How Do I Check for it?

Touch: The very first thing you need to do, is shed your inhibitions and understand your body better. Don’t be shy to touch your breasts. Touch your breasts and feel for any lumps. Lumps can be felt and not always seen.

Look: Next, look at your breasts. Look for changes in size and shape. Look for changes in the skin texture. Look for changes in skin color. You may also look for changes in and around your nipples: do you have a discharge, are there rashes around your nipples, are they inverted?

Check: If you notice any of these, check with your doctor at once! After your doctor examines your breasts, you may be referred for further testing, such as mammography.

Treating Breast Cancer

If the mammography confirms a diagnosis of cancer, you may be offered one of three solutions based on how much cancer has advanced:

  • Radiotherapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Surgery

Surgery is the first choice for managing it, following which either radiotherapy or chemotherapy is offered. However, this often begs the question, how will cancer treatment affect my life?

Living With Breast Cancer

It can affect your day-to-day life in many ways and will mostly depend on the type of treatment you undergo. However, you need not to battle your cancer alone. Build yourself a support system; surrounded by family and friends. Reach out to other people who are in the same situation as you. Make time for yourself, and beat the same!

Preventing breast cancer comes down to three simple things: maintain a healthy weight, eating healthy, and exercise to stay healthy!

