Common Myths Around COVID-19

COVID-19 has become a matter of global concern and panic. Our What’s App and social media are flooded with messages, posts, videos and articles around this infection. Each day we wake up to rising numbers, home remedies, treatment possibilities and what not!

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There is a lot of data floating around COVID-19. However, in such times it is difficult to understand what is true and what is not. So the best thing to do is to stick to the recommendations by local government authorities and the WHO.

Today we will be bursting some common myths associated with COVID-19. These myths are being circulated all over the social media and the WHO itself has clarified and stated them to be all false. 

So here goes:

The virus dies in warm climate

It is totally a myth! The fact that the virus has affected people living in hot and humid climate of Australia and Singapore states that the virus is capable of spreading in all the regions of the world with different temperatures and humidity levels.

The virus can be killed using Ultraviolet light

There is no evidence that the virus can get killed under UV lamps or light. And also using UV light repeatedly over the skin can lead to rashes and skin irritation. So refrain from doing so

The virus cannot survive in cold climate

There is again no evidence that the COVID-19 virus gets killed in cold climate too. The virus has spread to regions with subzero temperature and snow fall. So anything around the temperature and the life of the virus is not true.

Mosquitoes can spread the COVID-19 virus

The only way that the virus spreads is via direct contact with an infected person. There is no research or evidence that suggests that the COVID-19 virus is capable of spreading via mosquitoes.

Using hand driers can kill the COVID-19 virus

There are messages being circulated which mention that since hand driers make the hands warm, they are capable of killing the virus. The only available evidence around temperature suggests that the virus can get killed above the temperature of 55 degrees. Hand driers in no way raise the temperature to that extent. Again bearing heat up to 55 degrees can lead to burns and skin irritation. So refrain from doing that.

Thermal scanners can detect the virus

Thermal scanners are only used to check if an individual has fever or not. Fever is a symptom of COVID-19 infection but can also be present due to a long list of causes. So having a fever is not indicative of the COVID-19 infection.

Also people infected with the COVID-19 virus can carry the virus and remain asymptomatic for a period of 2-14 days. Simply putting it, they are capable of spreading the infection but will not show any symptoms.

Salt water gargles can prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection

There is again no data to support this claim. Salt water gargles are not effective against respiratory viruses.

Drinking water will help you in staying away from the virus

Drinking water is a good thing for your body for sure, but there is no evidence that it is going to help in killing the virus.


So here were a few common myths around COVID-19 infection. In case if you receive similar messages over What’s App or your social media, kindly verify the source before believing it. If you cannot verify the source it is best to ignore the message and refrain from forwarding the message.

Do the right things, follow the sanitary precautions suggested by the WHO and we all are going to sail through this outbreak safely!

Do not panic! Stay safe!

