Decoding The Myths & Facts Of Organ Transplant

The value of human organs can’t be understood better by anyone other than the person who has either lost an organ or has been waiting for an organ from a donor to undergo transplantation.

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Today, the achievements of science are extraordinary and getting a new organ to replace the damaged one is just a matter of choice. For the recipients, it is an opportunity to take a fresh start and to have a positive perception of the life. Science is almost successful today in delivering a ray of hope to the hopeless. Organ transplant is associated with the emotions as a healthy person saves the life of an ill or unhealthy person by sacrificing their own organs, with which they lived their lives so far. 

If you are planning to get your own or your beloved’s organ transplanted then you need to know few things about the transplantation process so that the whole medical process is carried on successfully leaving minimal complications.

The most common organ transplants include kidney, pancreas, liver, heart, lung, and intestine transplants. Sometimes, a person experiences a tissue or organ transplant within his/her own body. Organs can be transplanted within a specific time span only but the tissues can be stored till 4-5 years and within this time frame, they can be easily transplanted to anyone’s body without much complication. You can’t expect all the body organs to be transplanted when needed. If you meet a brain damage, tissues can be transplanted where required but the brain can never be transplanted. There are several intriguing facts about the organ transplant that you must know before gearing up for a transplant.

  • Organ Transplantation can be performed while the donor is living, brain dead, or dead via circulatory death
  • Organs can be transplanted within a specific time span only but the tissues can be stored till 4-5 years and within this time frame, they can be easily transplanted to anyone’s body without much complication
  • It is not always a win-win situation. The organ of a donor may be rejected by the recipient’s internal system and if the process is done forcefully, it may cause instant or shortly death
  • If a donor wants to donate all the organs of his/her body that can be donated, up to 8 unhealthy persons can get benefited by receiving an organ each
  • Among the tissues, cornea is the most donated tissue across the world
  • Kidney transplant is the most common organ transplant but the irony is that a big percentage of global mass die of kidney diseases due to ignorance or not knowing about their disease
  • No religion or spiritual organization restricts a healthy person to make a move towards his/her organ donation
  • If you have registered your name as a donor, you still have the option to cancel the registration till you are alive
  • There is a minimum and a maximum age limit for organ donation that alters from country to country

A person needs to prepare himself before making his mind for transplantation. The permission from the family members is also important and hence you need to discuss your wish with them and accept whatever life throws at you. A good thing you can do is to meet people who have experienced successful organ transplants. This will make you stronger and would clear all the myths related to the procedure.
