Effective Home Remedies for Common Cold

Is your Common Cold bothering you? Do you want natural and effective home remedies to reduce Cold? Here are few effective home remedies for Cold:

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  • Ginger- Ginger has cold curative properties. If you are suffering from cold then drink ginger tea to soothe your sore throat and to ease up the phlegm.
  • Honey- Honey has antimicrobial properties. Taking honey with lemon juice in warm water can help you to reduce cold and cough symptoms. 
  • Echinacea- It is a medicinal herb that has been proven to reduce Cold symptoms. Taking Echinacea roots as herb or tea will reduce the occurrence of cold.
  • Drink warm water- Replace your normal water with warm water if you have a cold. You can also gargle with warm water for a faster relief.
  • Use Air-humidifier-Just your keep nasal and throat passages moist by using an air humidifier.
  • Chicken soup- It is not a direct cure to cold. But research suggests that it can slow down neutrophil movement allowing them to concentrate on infection.
  • Garlic-It contains a compound named allicin, which has antimicrobial properties. It may help to reduce the severity of symptoms cold.
  • Vitamin C-It helps to reduce the phlegm and for a faster recovery. It also helps to build our immunity.

Next time you suffer from common cold, jut consider these home remedies for a natural relief from cold.

