Experiencing Side Effects with COVID-19 Vaccine?

All vaccines are designed to give us immunity without the dangers of getting the disease.

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So, receiving a COVID-19 vaccine is a safe and an effective way to help prevent serious illness from the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

But many of us wonder why a COVID-19 vaccine cause side effects like headache or fever?

Well, that’s the body’s strategy to develop an immune response. It’s creating a plan of attack for the foreign entity. Most of the time when our body responds to a foreign particle/ antigen, it indicates some type of symptoms.

So when we fall sick we get fever. This is because our immune system instructs our body to increase blood flow so more immune cells can circulate, and it raises our body temperature to kill the virus.

Even when we experience headaches and muscle-aches, that’s when our body is alerting us, that there’s a foreign substance within, that the body is trying to fight against.


If you don’t experience side effects after a vaccine it does not mean that the vaccine isn’t working, it just means our bodies are all different, each creating unique immune responses.

To understand better you can think of taking the vaccine as “Practice Run for your Immune System”, an opportunity for it to build a strong defense against the coronavirus spike protein that causes Covid-19.

Your Lifestyle after Vaccination


After vaccination, you may continue with your normal lifestyle.

Consume more anti-inflammatory food  that includes fruits and vegetables, foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, whole grains, healthy fats,  lean protein, and spices in your diet.

Drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated.

You can also continue your normal medication of blood pressure, diabetes, heart ailment, or any other medicine that your doctor has advised at a scheduled time. Do not change any medication on your own. The Covid-19 vaccine and your normal routine medication have no relation. 

After vaccination, if you feel very painful in the arm, you can apply ice on the area, but do not rub.

You can also take bath after vaccination if you want to, there is no restriction. Your life continues as normal.

Remember: Once you’re fully vaccinated, continue masking and social distancing. It’s also important to maintain hand hygiene and cough etiquettes to protect others who have not yet received a vaccine.                                        
