Facts About Flu, Cold, Germs, Vaccination

Influenza (also known as the flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by flu viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness. The flu is different from a cold.

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Cold vs flu

  • Flu comes on fast and furious- If you feel like you’ve been hit by a truck, it’s probably the flu. Symptoms such as sore throat, fever, headache, muscle aches, congestion, and cough tend to come on suddenly. Colds are usually less intense and include a runny or stuffy nose. The flu gets better over 2-5 days, but you might feel down for a week or longer. Colds come on slowly and last about a week. 
  • Fever usually means flu- While some people may get a mild fever when they have a cold, most don’t. If you have the flu, you’ll probably run a temperature of 100-102 degrees or higher. Children’s flu fevers tend to be higher. Kids may also be more likely to have a fever with the common cold.
  • Fatigue from flu can last for weeks- You are likely to start off feeling extremely tired and achy all over. That fatigue and weakness may last for up to 3 weeks – or even longer for people with long-term (chronic) diseases or a weak immune system. With a cold, you usually feel weak for just a few days.
  • Colds and flu: both can cause headaches- A headache that comes along with a cold due to a virus tends to be milder than one caused by flu.
  • Coughs – a sign of both cold and flu- Cold and flu are respiratory illnesses, which affect your airways, so both can cause coughing. Pneumonia is a lung infection that can be a complication of the flu. Call your doctor if you have a persistent cough, fever higher than 102 degrees and chills, a hard time breathing, shortness of breath, or chest pain when you cough — or if you hack up yellow-green or bloody phlegm.
  • Earaches can come from colds or flu- Both ailments irritate the eustachian tube that connects your throat to your middle ear. This can cause dull or burning pain. Cold and flu-related earaches usually go away by themselves. 
  • Colds often start with a sore throat- This early symptom tends to last for 1-2 days. A runny and stuffy nose is also common. Sore throats come with the flu, too. But if you have it, you’ll probably have fatigue and other symptoms that come all at once.
  • A stuffy nose may mean a cold- Unless you’re also feverish, very achy, and just plain zapped of energy, you likely have a cold — although many people with the flu also say they have a stuffy nose and sneezing.
  • Both colds and flu can lead to sinus infections. These are marked by a deep and constant pain around your cheekbones, forehead, or the bridge of the nose. The pain usually gets worse with sudden head movement or strain. You’ll need a doctor to treat a sinus infection.

Colds: OTC drugs can ease symptoms

Drugstore medicines such as decongestants, cough suppressants, and antihistamines can help congestion, coughing, and nasal symptoms. Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen can treat pain or a headache.

Read the active ingredients and warnings on all product labels. Many cough and cold medicines contain the same ingredients, so you could accidentally overdose unless you’re careful. Don’t give aspirin to a child under 18.

Flu is contagious

Points to remember

  • Most healthy adults may be able to infect other people beginning the first day before symptoms develop and up to 5-7 days after becoming sick.
  • Children may pass the virus for longer than 7 days.
  • Symptoms start 1-4 days after the virus enters the body. This means that you may be able to pass on the flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are sick.
  • Some people can be infected with the flu virus but have no symptoms. During this time, these people may still spread the virus to others.

Cover your cough

People with flu can spread the illness easily, as the infectious period starts one day before symptoms show. The virus is usually spread in the small droplets of saliva coughed or sneezed into the atmosphere by an infected person. Direct contact with contaminated hands can also pass the virus on to a healthy person. After five days of the flu symptoms, risk of spreading the virus reduces.

Washing your hands is key

Wash your hands well, so you don’t spread the flu to other people. Use soap and warm water. Rub your hands together for 20 seconds. Don’t forget the areas between your fingers and around your nails. Rinse and dry thoroughly.

Wash often during cold and flu season, especially after you cough, sneeze or blow your nose. Can’t find a tissue? Sneeze or cough into your elbow instead of your hands.

Get vaccinated

Get a flu shot. It’s made from harmless versions of the flu virus, and it helps your body recognize and fight when you’re exposed to the real thing. Despite what you may hear, it doesn’t give you the flu.

Treatments for flu

As flu is caused by a virus, antibiotics cannot help, unless the flu has led to another illness caused by bacteria. Some of the symptoms, such as headache and body pains may be alleviated by painkillers.

Complications of flu


  • COPD- People with lung conditions such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may find that their symptoms become more severe when they get the flu.
  • In people with diabetes, flu can affect blood sugar levels, potentially causing hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) or in people with type 1 diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis (a dangerous condition caused by a lack of insulin in the body).
  • Chest infections- The most common complication of flu is a bacterial chest infection such as bronchitis. Occasionally, this can become serious and develop into pneumonia. A course of antibiotics usually cures a chest infection or pneumonia, but it can very occasionally become life-threatening, particularly in the frail and elderly.
  • Pregnancy complications- If you get flu while you’re pregnant, there’s a risk that the infection could cause problems with your pregnancy. Flu may cause you to go into premature labor (before 37 weeks of pregnancy), or it may result in your baby having a low birth weight. Occasionally, getting flu during pregnancy can result in a miscarriage or stillbirth.
  • Rare complications- Less common complications of flu include:
    • Tonsillitis – Inflammation of the tonsils
    • Otitis media – an infection of the middle ear
    • Sinusitis – Inflammation of the lining of the sinuses (small, air-filled cavities behind your cheekbones and forehead)
    • Febrile seizures (convulsions) – a fit that can happen when a child has a fever
    • Meningitis – An infection in the brain and spinal cord
    • Encephalitis – Inflammation of the brain

When to visit your GP?

If you are otherwise fit and healthy, there’s usually no need to visit your GP if you have flu-like symptoms. You should just rest at home until you feel better while keeping warm, drinking plenty of water, and taking painkillers if necessary.

Consider visiting your GP if:

  • You are 65 years of age or over
  • You are pregnant
  • You have a long-term medical condition such as diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, kidney disease, or neurological disease
  • You have a weakened immune system (for example, because you’re having chemotherapy or have HIV)
  • You develop chest pain, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, or start coughing up blood
  • Your symptoms are getting worse over time or haven’t improved after a week
