Categories Mental Health


This year’s theme for International Women’s day is Choose to
. The premise underlying such a topic is that a challenging world is an
alert world. It is about calling out inequality and injustice against women in
terms of pay, treatment, and access to opportunities. In the present-day
cultural context, ignorance cannot be excused away easily under the guise of
being old-fashioned. Gender relations are shifting rapidly and it is important
to stay abreast of the changes in this dynamic dialogue on accelerating parity
between the sexes.

For many decades, women have experienced the glass ceiling
, wherein well-qualified and deserving candidates get passed over for
certain jobs. It is an invisible barrier with very real consequences: this
affects one’s career trajectory, status, earning potential, and hopes for career
advancement. As a result, it isn’t surprising that not as many women were at
the forefront in positions of power and leadership. Even when a woman reached a
position of power, she often ran the risk of either appearing too masculine
directive or authoritarian, or else have her position be attributed to taking
advantage of her femineity. These public perceptions and misconceptions have
failed women time and again.

Women leaders face big challenges in every arena, whether it
is the dual responsibility of managing their careers alongside familial life,
battling patriarchal perceptions or constantly having to prove themselves. As
with most things that are lesser-known and hence less well-established, women
still have some way to go before we can say we live in a gender-equal society.
Thankfully, owing to a mass cultural shift in recent years brought on by
various movements pushing for much-needed gender parity, recent workforce
trends show that women are able being able to break the glass ceilings that had
restrained their potential.

Women in every industry are proving themselves to be
competent visionaries and transformational leaders. Moreover, women are largely
responsible for ushering into the workplace a culture that research has shown
to be more participative and collaborative. This information is consistent with
studies that show that women leaders are highly effective at handling crisis
situations. In fact, data shows that women leaders handled the outbreak of
Covid-19 better than their male counterparts. Whether it is New Zealand,
Taiwan, Germany, Norway, Hong Kong, Finland, or Bangladesh, female-led countries
have been held up as examples of how to manage a pandemic.

One may argue that real change doesn’t take place in a
single day, but all it takes is a single day to start the journey of making a
difference. The real change lies not in the day itself but in the minds of each
individual, of every gender, as a part of society. Women’s day represents this
fight for a chance to be acknowledged: to celebrate women, to raise awareness,
to seek gender parity. It is time to challenge the status quo of unequal
treatment. Raise your hand up against gender bias. Show your support and
solidarity for an equitable society.