Get Screening, Defeat Cancer

Cancer is the 2nd most common disease in India responsible for maximum deaths with more than thousand people dying per day. Till date, all types of cancer have been reported in India including cancers of Lungs, Breast, Prostate, Rectum, Skin, Liver, Bladder, Stomach, etc.

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Major causes of such a high rate of cancer cases in the country are:

Internal – Genetic, hormonal, poor immune system, mutations etc.

External – food habits, industrialization etc.

Cancer is one of the diseases that shows no noticeable signs at its early stage. Symptoms may develop at later stages when treatment can be much more perilous. Hence, it is crucial to get cancer screening on a regular basis. 

Whether you have a family medical history, lifestyle and other factors that indicate greater risk for cancer, or if you think that you are not at risk. Regular cancer screenings are important to spot the disease at an early stage when chances for treatment are better.

Few of the major cancer types for which one should get screened are:

Breast Cancer

Starting at the age of 40, every woman should have and continue for mammography as long as she is in good health. Women in their 30s and 40s should have clinical breast exam (CBS) every three years. Women in their 50s should have CBS every year.

Colon and rectal cancer:

A person should be screened early and/ or more often if he/she has the following risk factors:

  • A personal history of colorectal cancer.
  • A personal history of crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.
  • A family medical history of colorectal cancer or polyps.
  • A known family history of hereditary colorectal cancer syndromes such as hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (HNPCC).

Cervical cancer:

After the vaginal intercourse, all women should start having cervical cancer screening every three years. Women with a history of cervical cancer, weaken immune system or HIV infection should have screening on a regular basis as long as they are in good health.

Prostate cancer:

Men between the age of 40 and 70 should have prostate cancer screening every two or three years. Men with an increased risk of prostate cancer such as family medical history should have the screening every year.

The best place from where you can get a cancer screening package is your regular Healthcare Provider
