Hair Today Should Not Be Gone Tomorrow

Whatever your age, cultural or social backgrounds, it is generally agreed upon by most people that your hair is one of

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your most prized assets. A healthy head of hair contributes immensely to the physical appearance as well as to the confidence levels of a person. And when you begin to lose this attribute, it is but obvious that your appearance as well as confidence begin to take a significant dip.

7 out of 10 men fall prey to baldness at some point in their lives.

While many men start showing signs of balding after the age of 45 years, the tipping point is now shifting more and more towards younger men. Whether you blame it on flawed eating habits or a faulty lifestyle, stress or heredity, fact is that baldness in men is on the rise.

Can Baldness Be Prevented?

Yes. Baldness can be prevented, or in cases of a strong family history, delayed. This is possible through a two-pronged approach of:

  1. Vigilance towards any symptoms
  2. Modification of certain lifestyle habits

Watch Out For

  • A receding hairline
  • Thinning of hair
  • Brittle or easily breaking hair
  • Itchy head (dandruff)

If you notice any of these signs, do not wait to consult a medical professional. The sooner you begin treatment, better are the chances of retaining hair and preventing baldness.

Other Steps You Should Take

 Tackle Stress

Stress is more or less a part of lifestyle today. What is important is how you manage it. Stress causes more testosterone to be released in the body, which has negative effects on the quality and quantity of scalp hair. Investing time in a relaxing hobby, meditation and practicing Yoga can help to bring down stress levels and ease your hormones.

 Eat Mindfully

Antioxidants, protein, iron and zinc are nutrients that are key to hair health. Make sure you include plenty of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and nuts in your daily meals. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking at least 2 litres of water daily to replenish your cells.

Protect Your Hair

The texture and health of hair suffers badly in the face of pollution and travel. Wear a light cotton headscarf when you are travelling to avoid friction between your scalp and the wind. Friction can make hair brittle and push the hairline back. Remember though, to not wear tight caps or headscarves made of synthetic fabrics. They do not allow hair follicles to breathe and can have a counterproductive effect on hair quality.

Go Natural

Choose non-invasive chemical free methods to combat hair loss. An effective treatment for hair loss is to gently massage warm coconut or almond oil into the scalp, and wrap a warm cotton towel around the head. Rinse your hair after an hour with a sulfate-free mild shampoo.

 When it comes to treatments, Homeopathy wins hands down. Homeopathic medicines have shown excellent results in reducing hair fall and effective prevention in the initial stages of male pattern balding. Long-term homeopathic medication has also promoted growth of new hair.

Homeopathy, in combination with mindful eating and simple lifestyle modifications can keep you away from baldness for a long, long time to come.

