Heard you are travelling this summer !

Summers are here and so are the school vacations. The travel bug has hit us and the family trips are probably all planned out in detail already.

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Apart from the regular stuff, do give a thought from your child’s point of view, safeguarding them from the travel woes.

Travelling can be fun and exciting, new places or familiar ancestral homes, but it can also mean change of weather, food and routine and hence illnesses in kids.

However the old adage holds true- Well begun is half done.

Prepare a Checklist well in advance to avoid last minute chaos.
  • Requisite vaccines
  • Travel gear/accessories
  • Food/Beverages
  • General medicines
  • Medicines for specific illnesses
  • Health records and helpline

IMPORTANT NOTE: Vaccines take at least 4-6 weeks to become effective. So, schedule them 1-2 months in advance. Though even if you are leaving in less than 4 weeks, you should still make an appointment to see your pediatrician, as kids might still benefit from shots or medications.

Travel gear and accessories:

  • Hands-free baby carrier helps to manage during the transport as well as sightseeing
  • Light weight fold able stroller. Check, whether the place is comfortable for strollers
  • Infant car seat will be useful and convenient, especially if you are travelling by road
  • Most hotels provide an infant crib at request or a fold able travel crib can be carried
  • Accessories like a good baby bag to organize your disposable diapers, diaper rash cream, hand sanitized,baby wipes in ample quantity, diaper disposal bags which mask the odor are a must
  • Favorite toys, books, tithers ,etc to keep your baby engaged during travel


If Breastfeeding:

Breast is best even during travel as it is easy convenient and sterile so the safest option. Additionally,

  • Carry your baby sling/carrier to feed on the go
  • If not comfortable, you may express milk in advance and use ice packs to transport it
  • If formula fed, carry a formula dispenser with premeasured powder
  • Presterilised bottles and feeding equipment, bottle warmers as well as sterilizing equipment for long journeys
  • Breast pumps with battery option are also available

IMPORTANT NOTE: Judicious and correct use of medicines in right dosages is very important in children. Always be in touch with a specialist before giving medicines. Don’t over-medicate or give antibiotics at your own discretion. They can harm as well.

Medicines for specific illnesses:
  • Allergies/Asthma: Nasal sprays, inhalers, rotahalers, nebulisers with mask
  • Epilepsy/convulsions: Regular epilepsy medicines in enough stock; midazolam nasal spray to control convulsions during emergency
  • Tuberculosis: Enough medicine supplies not to skip a single dose
  • Children with chronic illness e.g Diabetes Mellitus: enough stock of insulin injections stored correctly
