How Frequently Should You Do A Blood Check?

Puzzled how you can check your health status? An accessible, efficient and effective option is to go for a blood check-up!!

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Blood tests are done to closely examine the health status. Be it infections, diseases, disorders, imbalances in vitamins and minerals or fluctuation in the levels of hormones, proteins, sugars, lipids and enzymes present in the body, blood test can tell them all. If not detected, any of these may lead to several other severe health problems.

Blood tests whether prescribed or not, plays an efficient role in drawing our attention to asymptomatic and hidden problems. Being the most fundamental and an accessible examination, it may warn us of the risks of developing any disease; depicted from the simple blood test.

Regular check-up helps to diagnose certain abnormal values that may not cause symptoms now but, may become problematic in the near future. Problems such as low hemoglobin or high/low sodium or potassium levels, deficiencies or toxicities can be assessed beforehand, giving time to take necessary corrective measures. Complete blood count (CBC) test is the most commonly recommended to check vital blood components like platelets, white blood cells and red blood cells.

Regular blood check-up is essential!

1. People having family history of certain medical conditions like diabetes, heart diseases, blood disorders, abnormal levels of lipids and thyroid disorders by undertaking blood test can protect their health with preventive measures.

2. Individuals prescribed for blood checkup for monitoring of any disease or disorder should go for it timely and uptake retests at regular intervals.

3. Routine blood check-up in diseased patients assist in precise analysis and monitoring of disease as well as it allows to estimate of extent of damage caused by it.

4. In normal people, tests in specified duration helps to ensure that the level of vitamins, minerals and other body parameters are balanced.

5. If a disease is detected during diagnosis, with the blood test it can be monitored and it’s progression to a fatal stage can be averted.

Take away

Timely diagnoses can a make a big difference especially when we talk about our health. The answer to how many times one should go for blood check-up has no one apt answer. It depends on several factors like age, disease condition, health state, doctor’s recommendations and many more.

However, it’s always better to have regular consultations and intermittent testings done to have a quite confident answer.

Go for it,

Well timed check-up will benefit you,

A mismanaged one, may not keep maladies at bay…

