Categories Women's Health

International Women’s Day 2023: All You Need To Know

“Empowering women is not just a goal, it’s a necessity” 

March 8 is designated as International Women’s Day. The contribution of women towards society, and culture has impacted the lives of many. This women’s day is an opportunity to reflect on the progress made towards gender equality as it also must ensure that women have equal opportunities and rights in all areas of life.  

This women’s week, JioHealthHub has released a specially curated web page that focuses on the self-assessment women must take to ensure she is on top of her health. Also, there are numerous articles to empower the knowledge regarding women’ 

International Women’s Day 2023- Theme 

The theme of women’s day is “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”. This highlights the role of innovative technology in promoting gender equality and meeting the health and developmental requirements of women and girls.  

This year it is also about applauding the new generation of young women for their courage in speaking out, inspiring others, and mobilizing their peers for a sustainable future. According to United Nations, women make up only 22% of artificial intelligence workers.  

With an increasing number of technology-integrated products, connectivity has to facilitate access to health information and services. With the advanced technological innovations, it is observed that it has positively impacted the adoption of digital health measures such as electronic medical records, health data management, and security.  

Healthcare innovation has equally impacted capacity building and knowledge translation via online training, webinars, and innovative tools for patient care i.e., in form of telemedicine, robotics, and artificial intelligence.   

From the earliest days of computing to the current era of Virtual reality and artificial intelligence, women have made untold contributions to the digital world.  

While all this is taking place, we have seen that women are innovators and they have contributed a lot to transforming the health of people across continents.  

Significance of international women’s day 

Gender inequality and discrimination are rampant in our society and women are the victim of these. In order to fight against these biases and for bringing attention to issues such as gender inequality, reproductive rights, violence, and abuse. This day acts as a forum to create awareness and galvanize change in society.   

For international women’s day: let’s all fully embrace equity. Equity is not only nice to have but it’s a must-have. The main aim of embracing equity is to get the world talking about why equal opportunities aren’t enough. People start from different places, and regions to be true inclusion and belonging require equitable action. 

When we embrace equity, we also embrace diversity and inclusion. We embrace equity to forge harmony, and unity and help individuals to drive success for all.  

Bringing women and other groups into technology usually results in more creative solutions and has greater potential for innovation which meets women’s needs and promotes gender equality. A gender-responsive approach to innovation, technology, and digital education also raises the awareness of women and girls regarding their rights and civic involvement.  

Advancements in digital technologies offer huge opportunities for addressing development and humanitarian challenges which focus on achieving sustainable development goals.  

How to celebrate international women’s day 2023? 

This is one of the most common questions when it comes to celebrating women’s respect and empowerment. Let us have a look at some ideas: 

  • You can participate in a community celebration of women’s day by using social media or participating in any nearby women’s events.  
  • In a professional space, you can recognize and honor the women’s effort and their contributions.  
  • Also, you can curate a specialized web page that emphasizes the ideas to maintain women’s health.  


The main aim of International Women’s Day is to celebrate women’s accomplishments and to advocate for gender equality. Let us also aim to raise awareness about gender equality so everyone has equal rights in all fields, promoting equal participation in social, economic, cultural, and political activities. 

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