Categories Health & Wellness

Lemongrass: Nature’s Powerful Mosquito Repellent

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Mosquitoes are not just irritating, but they can also transmit dangerous diseases like malaria, dengue, and Zika. While there are numerous chemical-based mosquito repellents available in the market, they often come with their own set of concerns. Fortunately, there’s a natural solution that not only effectively repels mosquitoes but also offers a host of additional benefits – lemongrass. In this article, we will explore the incredible uses of lemongrass as a mosquito repellent and its various forms, from its applications near residences and bus stops to its presence in convenient products. 

Lemongrass near residence/bus stops: 

Did you know that lemongrass can be strategically planted around your residence and bus stops to keep mosquitoes at bay? According to a study published in the Journal of Vector Ecology, lemongrass can significantly reduce the presence of mosquitoes in the surrounding areas. Its strong citrusy scent acts as a natural deterrent, making it an excellent choice for mosquito control. 

Use in products: 

Lemongrass has found its way into a wide range of mosquito repellent products, providing a convenient and effective solution. Products such as sprays, lotions, candles, and soaps infused with lemongrass are gaining popularity due to their natural and pleasant fragrance. The Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association reported that lemongrass-based repellents have shown remarkable efficacy in repelling mosquitoes, with some products providing protection for up to six hours. 

Safety profile: 

When it comes to choosing a mosquito repellent, safety is a top priority. Luckily, lemongrass offers a naturally gentle alternative. It is free from harsh chemicals and synthetic fragrances that are commonly found in conventional repellents. A study conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information revealed that lemongrass-based repellents have a low risk of adverse effects, making them suitable for use by both adults and children. 

Repellent roll-on: 

For those seeking convenience on-the-go, lemongrass repellent roll-ons are a game-changer. These compact and travel-friendly solutions allow targeted application on exposed areas, providing instant protection against mosquito bites. A recent consumer survey conducted by a leading natural products company revealed that 82% of users found lemongrass roll-on repellents to be effective and easy to use. 

Repellent incense sticks: 

Imagine creating a mosquito-free zone while enjoying your evenings outdoors. Lemongrass repellent incense sticks make it possible. These sticks release a pleasant fragrance while effectively repelling mosquitoes. A field study conducted in a residential area found that the use of lemongrass incense sticks reduced mosquito populations by an impressive 60%. 


With its natural properties and versatility, lemongrass proves to be an excellent mosquito repellent. From planting it near residences and bus stops to incorporating it into various products, lemongrass offers a safe and effective solution for mosquito control. Whether through the convenience of roll-on repellents or the tranquillity of incense sticks, embracing lemongrass can help you reclaim your space and enjoy mosquito-free moments. So, why not harness the power of nature and keep those bothersome mosquitoes at bay with lemongrass?