Maternity Leave – Get Your Due!

More women are in positions of power today than ever before in history! And the numbers will only continue to grow! However, a large number of Indian women are yet to reap the benefits of such empowerment.

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Until now, there was not much done by way of offering women maternity leave/benefits and hence led to many women giving up work for motherhood. With the current policy, however, women no longer need to give up work when pregnant! In 2017, the Indian government made great strides in offering women better maternity benefits. 

It is imperative that the working women of today are aware that one is entitled to maternity benefits and that one’s employer is liable for the same. Some of the key policies in the Maternity Act 2017 are as follows:

  • One can take 180 days of maternity leave for one’s first two children, and 12 weeks of leave for children born thereafter.
  • About 730 days of childcare leave (CCL) is allowed until your two children reach 18 years of age.
  • One can also avail oneself of 12 weeks’ maternity leave if adopting a child below 3 months of age.
  • In the case of women who work from home, one is entitled to work from home after one’s prescribed maternity leave, as mutually agreed between oneself and one’s employer.

A common question that arises in a woman’s mind is, “This is okay. But will my company grant me such benefits?” The answer is, yes-if your company is any of the following:

  • A company with more than 10 employees (factory, mine, or plantation—including private set-ups)
  • An establishment that engages in equestrian, acrobatics, or any other performance, irrespective of the number of employees

Remember that with these benefits, you need not necessarily leave work if contemplating starting a family. Let us as women now contribute to the labor force of India on a long-term basis and watch our careers and children grow side by side.
