Medication in Pregnancy- What you need to Know

Most often, pregnancy is both thrilling and worrisome for a mother-to-be. Once you find out you are pregnant, you immediately start to think about all the food you have been eating. That team lunch at the seafood restaurant last week suddenly doesn’t seem like a good idea in retrospect, nor do all the medications you took for your headache the day before. Come to think of it, you may probably work yourself up into a frenzy, confused as you are about what precautions you need to take before taking any pregnancy medicine.

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There are a few simple questions you need to ask yourself before taking any pregnancy medicine:

  • What are you taking the medication for?
  • For how long should you take medications?
  • Has the medication been prescribed by your doctor?

Once you have answered these questions, know that there are three simple steps that you can follow to ensure that you have taken the best precautions possible for pregnancy medicine. 

Step 1: On learning you are pregnant, make sure to get a pamphlet from your doctor that discusses medication use during pregnancy. Most clinics and hospitals have this information to give out. If your hospital doesn’t have such pamphlets, make sure you ask your doctor to outline the precautions for medication use during pregnancy so that you can record them and follow them accordingly.

Step 2: While there are several over-the-counter drugs that one may take during pregnancy (for cold, fever, etc.), you have to be aware that no two pregnancies are alike and that you have to consult your OB/GYN (Obstetrician and Gynecologist) before buying any medication for any ailment. Another common mistake many women make is, asking the pharmacist for advice. Remember that your doctor knows best about your condition and hence will be the best person to consult in this matter.

Step 3: Medicine has scientifically advanced in many ways today. But never ever forget to try simple home remedies (from a credible source) before you take any medications. Remember, sometimes simpler is better!

Many women become more aware of the nature of the medications they take during pregnancy as they should be. Never hesitate to call your doctor if ever in doubt. Exercising a little caution goes a long way in ensuring your safety; exercise it!



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