My baby feeds throughout the night. Am I getting less milk?

What is comfort sucking?

Suckling at the breast for reasons other than hunger, also known as comfort nursing or non-nutritive suckling.

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Is comfort suckling bad for my baby?

Many mothers would be told that do not nurse the baby to sleep or do not breastfeed continuously as it may be habit forming. It may make the baby overfed or overweight.

However it is natural for the babies to take the breast not only when hungry but also when tired, sleepy, in pain or when they are just scared. Breastfeeding offers satisfaction,relaxation and is soothing. The mother’s skin to skin contact, voice, heartbeats, and smell calms down the baby. It helps better bonding, provides reassurance and warmth. This is equally important as providing nutrition.

Other advantages?

  • It helps the baby in inducing sleep and leads to better sleep hygiene.
  • It also improves jaw and oral development and earlier transition to breastfeeding in preterm babies.
  • It helps maintaining temperature regulation in the tiny preterm babies.
  • Helps to stimulate more milk production.
  • Contrary to popular beliefs, frequent nursing does not make the babies more demanding nor “spoils”the baby.
  • Also it does not lead to overfeeding and extra weight gain.
  • Is my milk not enough,is that why my baby feeds all the time?
    • If your baby is passing adequate urine and gaining enough weight,it is a sign you are having enough milk supply.
    • Sometimes during growth spurts,babies do feel hungrier and by increasing the frequency of feeding,they signal the mothers body to produce more milk.

    Can I use a nipple or a pacifier or a bottle?

    It is very tempting to do so, as it can get very overwhelming for the mother. However due to the very real threat of nipple confusion and exposure to infections it is best to avoid it.

    However it is very tiring for me if my baby is all the time at the breast?

    It is overwhelming for the mother and physically demanding too at times.

  • Tips to handle:
    • Try carrying your baby in a sling,this provides comfort as well as easier to nurse. Kangaroo bags provide good skin to skin contact and any family member can give kangaroo care.
    • If your baby falls asleep at the breast before she’s full, try switching the breast or tickling the toes or compressing the breast to keep the flow.
    • Also do allow the baby to dictate the feeding duration, allow the baby to finish first breast completely before offering the other that way she gets the nutritionally rich hind milk and feels fuller and more satiated.
    • Do take care of yourself, catch up on sleep when the baby sleeps, take care of your nipples.
    • Take help from family members, it is okay to express and let the spouse feed the baby once in a while, as you rest.
    • Do not think of it as a problem and anticipate that in the initial few weeks, babies do breastfeed a lot. Just accepting it as a norm rather than exception helps ease the issue.