My child sucks his thumb all the time. How can I stop it?

Children are born to suck their thumbs and fingers due to their natural reflexes. It makes them “feel good”, comforts them, calms them and aids them in fall asleep.

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The problem starts when they use this behaviour to soothe themselves beyond 5years age. They use it when they are bored, hungry, afraid or just for the heck of it.

In the process, they damage their permanent teeth which are just coming or their speech which is still developing. They can damage the thumb/finger by shortening them or growing calluses on them. Going for social functions also can be miserable.

The front teeth get pushed forward making them look like a “beaver” and they may start lisping while talking. School friends may start ridiculing them for this habit making them more awkward.

Time for parents to step in:

  • Consult a pediatrician or a child psychiatrist
  • Don’t shame or punish your child
  • Make them aware of this habit and gently remind them to stop
  • The day they avoid thumb sucking, give them an ice-cream or a walk in the park or an extra star….whatever they like the most
  • Make them count the extra stars they have got in the calendar and after agreed upon days, reward them
  • Identify the trigger and handle it properly e.g.
    • Boredom: distract them with a substitute activity, such as a rubber ball to squeeze or finger puppets to play with
    • Fatigue: ensure that they take adequate rest
    • Frustration: try to talk to them
  • Local care of the thumb to prevent injuries by applying moisturising creams after asleep
  • Bandaging the thumb or applying chili powder usually don’t help
  • Orthodontist may help get your child rid of this habit in severe cases by suggesting mechanical devices

“Your patience, support, love, guidance as well as peer pressure will help them break the habit”

Are there any ointments to apply to get rid of thumb sucking?

Many techniques like applying vinegar, turmeric, some bitter substance have been tried in past. Some mothers use mittens, gloves, nail polish also. Some OTC medicines are also available which are bitter to taste. This is a kind of aversion therapy where due to the taste or feel, child stops sucking thumb. It may be helpful temporarily. However for long lasting effects, above mentioned techniques like positive reinforcement, identifying and preventing triggers are more beneficial.
