Myths and Misconceptions around Breastfeeding

Myths and Misconceptions around Breastfeeding busted.

MYTH: Colostrum is bad for the baby and needs to be thrown away.

TRUTH: Colostrum is the ideal first food for the baby, small quantity but protein rich and full of protective factors. So it should not be discarded at all.

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MYTH: Baby should be fed at both breasts at each feeding.

TRUTH: The initial milk which flows out is high in water content and thinner whereas the hind milk which flows later is rich in fats and helps satiety and weight gain in the baby. So it is essential to let the baby feed at one breast till she empties it and switch to opposite breast at the next feed. 

MYTH: Some water should be given to the babies between feeds.

TRUTH: The baby does not need extra water even in summers or hot weathers, just frequently breast-feeding keeps the baby hydrated. Giving water in between feeds interferes with establishing lactation.

MYTH: It is normal for breastfeeding to hurt.

TRUTH: Mild pain at the beginning of first few feeds may be ok. However breastfeeding does not hurt if done appropriately. If it hurts every time you feed,you must consult your doctor to detect if you have been positioning or latching on wrongly.

MYTH: Mother should avoid certain gassy food.

TRUTH: Certain foods like legumes, brinjals etc. are traditionally believed to cause gases, bloating in the mother and colics in the baby. However, there is no need to ban these foods and eating a balanced diet is beneficial for the mother and baby both.Legumes are a good source of protein especially in the vegetarian diet. Consuming leafy vegetables,fiber,plenty of water reduces the bloating.

MYTH: Mother should not breastfeed if she has fever/cold.

TRUTH: Mild fevers,colds,etc. are not contraindications for breastfeeding . In fact mothers pass on protective antibodies against the germs through breastfeeding.

MYTH: Breastfeeding causes the breast to sag.

TRUTH: It’s the physiological changes during pregnancy that causes a loss of firmness, whether the mother breastfeeds or not.

MYTH: Small breasts do not produce enough milk.

TRUTH: The size of the breast is determined by fat content and does not affect breast-milk production in any way.

MYTH: Twins need more milk, mother cannot produce enough milk.

TRUTH: Breastfeeding is all about demand and supply. If two babies suckle at the breast, it stimulates enough milk production to supply to two babies. So no need to toppled just because there are twins.

MYTH: Baby should not be sleeping with the mother.

TRUTH: Earlier it was believed the mother would roll over and smother the baby in the sleep. However it never happens unless the mother is under influence of heavy sedatives. In fact keeping the mother and baby together all the time helps to establish bonding and successful lactation.

MYTH: It is necessary to wash the nipples before each feed.

TRUTH: Excessive use of soap and water may dry up the nipples and areola and make them prone to cracks. So do not wash frequently.

MYTH: Frequently breastfeeding your baby and holding her close spoils the baby.

TRUTH: Responding to the baby’s cries only strengthens mother baby bonding and makes the baby feel comforted and secure.

MYTH: Top-feeding in addition to breastfeeding makes the baby chubbier.

TRUTH: Breastfeeding is the best feeding and for the first 6 months baby does not need anything else. Exclusively breastfed babies have a more optimum weight gain as compared to top fed baby. And chubbier baby doesn’t necessarily mean healthier baby.