New Mother? All You Need To Know About Colostrum

1) What is colostrum? My doc says it’s the best food for my just born baby?

The breasts start secreting milk as early as the second trimester. It is a colorless or whitish liquid initially.

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After the delivery the first milk produced is called the colostrum. It is thick white or yellowish liquid generally low in quantity. Yes, it’s the best food for your newborn baby. 

2) Is colostrum sufficient to satisfy my baby’s hunger?

Though your breasts may not feel full,they already have enough colostrum for the newborn. The stomach capacity of the newborn is initially quite small (about 5-10 ml) and hence the nutrient dense colostrum is all that is needed for the first 48-72 hours.

3) Some of the elders in my family say that it is not good for my baby? Is it true?

In certain communities and few elders still believe it to be harmful and discard it. However, it is exactly the opposite and under no circumstances should one deny the benefits of colostrum to the baby.

4) What are the benefits of colostrum?

  • Colostrum is extremely easy to digest, and is therefore the perfect first food for your baby. It is low in volume but high in concentrated nutrition for the newborn. It is also termed as LIQUID GOLD
  • Colostrum has a laxative effect on the baby, helping to pass early stools (meconium), which aids in the clearing of excess bilirubin and helps prevent jaundice
  • It is immensely rich in proteins especially the antibodies known as IgA. It also contains living cells which protect the baby from infections like pneumonia, diarrhoea and sepsis. It can indeed, be called your baby’s FIRST VACCINE
  • The carotenoids are the vitamin A precursors which give colostrum its yellow color. Vitamin A and other growth factors in colostrum helps to promote growth of the cellular lining in the intestines,lungs and retina
  • The newborn baby has an immature and leaky gut, making it prone to infections. Colostrum lines the gut membranes and plugs the leaks, protecting from harmful germs. It helps establish a favorable gut microbial environment and protects against allergies

As you feed frequently over the next 3-4 days, the milk increases in volume and changes to a more mature milk which is opaque,watery,whitish milk.