Categories Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy: Know Why Physiotherapy is required

Physiotherapists are expert in understanding human movement and have a key role in the prevention, identification, assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of people when the body is affected by aging, injury, disease, conditions, and environmental factors.  

Physical Therapy is done to keep everyone healthy and fit with the help of physiotherapist. This helps in recognizing the work and support them in promoting their profession and advancing their expertise.  

Who are physiotherapists? 

Physiotherapists attempt to treat an injury or deformity. They are also responsible for educating patients about healthy behaviour and help them restore lost or damaged functionality.  

Physiotherapists are responsible for treating a variety of medical diseases including low back pain, cervical and thoracic pain, shoulder pain, headache problems, fibromyalgia, muscular dystrophy, and osteoarthritis. The main aim of physiotherapy differs depending on the patient’s specific needs, but the main intended outcome is pain relief, increased range of motion, endurance and strength, independence, stress reduction and higher quality of life for patients.   

What is physiotherapy? 

Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and function when one is affected by injury, illness, or disability. This helps in reducing the risk of injury or illness. This is a holistic approach that involves the patient directly in their care.  

Different types of physiotherapy:  

  • Sports physiotherapy: this is a special branch of physiotherapy which deals with sports professional and athletes. This type of physiotherapists are expert in assessing and treating injuries related to exercise at all levels. The key role played by sports physiotherapists is to help athletes get back to their playing form and also help in getting rid of the pain. The focus of this is improved performance and overall development of the patient.  
  • Rehabilitation and pain management are the main aspects of physiotherapy. This helps the patient eliminate unwanted aches and pains in the body. In this, the treatment plans are customized to the need of the patient. From helping the patient in getting back on their feet after any surgery to managing the pain of all types, physiotherapy is the solution.  
  • Musculoskeletal physiotherapy: this type of physiotherapy deals with the restoration of the function of the musculoskeletal system such as muscles, joints, bones, tendons, etc. This helps in increasing mobilization, decreasing pain, rectifying injuries, and treating soft tissue damage.  
  • Vestibular rehabilitation: this type of physiotherapy focuses on the rehabilitation of a person’s balance. This helps in realigning the body balance and also helps in improving the overall function of the body.  
  • Paediatric physiotherapy: this therapy focuses on the physical needs of kids, infants, and children. Children who have different neuromuscular developmental or skeletal disorders can benefit from this. Paediatric physiotherapy helps in alleviating pain and improving fine motor and gross motor skills in children.  
  • Neurological physiotherapy: this helps in treating different neurological issues such as strokes, spinal cord injuries, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.   

Physical therapy is well described to help in recovery from neurological disorders. They help patients regain their mobility; physiotherapy also assists in preventing the complications originating from neurological problems.  

When is physiotherapy required? 

Physiotherapy is helpful for people of all ages as this helps in treating a wide range of health conditions. Let us have a look at the below points for understanding when physiotherapy is needed:  

  • For treating bones, joints, and soft tissue: such as back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and sports injuries.  
  • For the brain or nervous system: physiotherapy helps in improving movement problems resulting from stroke, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease.  
  • For heart and circulation: such as rehabilitation after a heart attack.  
  • Lungs and breathing: physiotherapy help with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cystic fibrosis. 

Physiotherapy helps in improving physical activity and helps you in preventing further injuries.  

What do physiotherapists do? 

Physiotherapists help in encouraging development and also facilitate recovery. A physiotherapist works with the patient in developing customized programs designed to restore functional ability and movement. Let us have a look at some of the main approaches used by physiotherapists: 

  • Education: physiotherapists provide general advice about things that affect daily life such as posture, and lifting heavy things techniques to help prevent injuries.  
  • Movement, tailored exercise, and physical activity advice: physiotherapists recommend exercises to improve general health and mobility and they also help in strengthening specific parts of the body.  
  • Manual therapy: some physiotherapists use their hands to help relieve pain and stiffness.  

There are different other techniques also that help in relieving pain and stiffness. Different services provided by a physiotherapist include: 

  • Assessment, diagnosis, and treatment services for movement issues 
  • Development of treatment plan 
  • Development of exercise plan 
  • Injury treatment 
  • Manual therapy i.e. massage and joint manipulation 
  • Electrotherapy 
  • Technique correction 
  • Taping and splinting 
  • Advice on mobility aids

What are the common reasons to see a physiotherapist? 

There are numerous reasons why you might see a physiotherapist. Often it is observed that your doctor can refer you to address a specific injury or condition. Let us have a look at the common reasons to see a physiotherapist: 

  • Illness: after a prolonged illness or during an illness that impacts mobility, balance, or motor skills.  
  • Chronic health conditions: physiotherapists must be consulted in treating chronic health conditions which impact mobility and balance.  
  • Following surgery: after surgery, getting up and moving becomes a crucial part of the healing process. In case if your body parts such as your hand or foot are affected, physiotherapy helps the patient in regaining strength and use.  
  • Injury: injuries that cause a patient a lot of pain or inability to move can be addressed via physiotherapy.  
  • Aging: as people age, they usually experience a change in their bodies, movement, and function. Physiotherapy helps in regaining function.  
  • Health crisis: physiotherapists must be consulted in major health conditions such as heart attack, stroke, traumatic brain injury, and other health crisis which cause the patient a lot of difficulties. Physiotherapy helps patients in regaining functionality.  
  • Improved physical performance: sports persons or athletes who wish to perform better in their fitness pursuits may turn up to a physiotherapist for learning strategies for maximizing the body’s potential for better performance.  
  • General wellness: patients can generally begin physiotherapy to counteract the effects of aging and learn skills for staying mobile, agile, healthy and flexible. 


Physiotherapy services are an integral part of the healthcare system. If you are struggling with any issues which can be addressed by physiotherapy then you must book your appointment. In the first appointment, the physiotherapist will review your records and get a complete medical history. Before starting your treatment with physiotherapy, you will be asked to perform some simple tasks which allow them to assess your physical capabilities and limitations.  

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