Pregnancy And You: Towards A Healthy 1st Trimester

Pregnancy is a life changing event both, physically and emotionally- physically, because your body nourishes and nurtures a new human being, and emotionally, because hormones and the maternal instinct make you sensitive towards bonding with the growing baby.

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For every woman, pregnancy is a very subjective process, and they can have different experiences during each pregnancy. But it is a fact that the first three months of pregnancy (first trimester) lay the foundation for the weeks leading up to delivery.

While a missed period is the first sign of a possible pregnancy, there might be a few other subtle signs like mild tummy cramps or a spotting episode.

In this phase of 3 months, the baby grows from a tiny dot to the size of a lime. Although a pregnant tummy won’t start showing yet, your body will make certain changes to cope up with increasing demands and leave you with:

Morning Sickness

Queasiness and vomiting is the most known symptom of a beginning pregnancy. It can be present in varying degree and as opposed to its name, one can experience nausea and vomiting at other times of the day too. Generally however, an empty stomach feels queasy more often.

This is also the symptom notorious for the initial weight loss a pregnant woman experiences because there is an appetite dip because of the nausea. Homeopathic medicines can help to control the queasiness and keep the appetite up.

Tender Breasts

Hormonal changes and increase in blood circulation make the breasts feel sore and tender to touch. Wear a well-fitting under-wired brassiere to support the breasts and minimize tenderness and pain.

Haywire Moods

Blame it on the hormones again! The first trimester also sees drastic moodswings, irritability and unusual weepiness. Natural, homeopathic medicines can make you calm and take care of erratic emotions.

Prominent Veins

You will be able to see visible veins mainly over the abdomen, breasts and legs. This is because your body is making extra blood and your heart is pumping blood faster than usual to meet the needs of your growing baby.


Pregnancy is hard work, and it can cause a dip in stamina and a sense of exhaustion. You may take more time than usual to complete routine chores and feel fagged at the end of the day.


Hormones cause digestion to become slow to let food stay longer in the stomach so that your body can absorb maximum nutrients, and this can translate into heartburn or acidity.


Again, a result of slow and relaxed digestion, constipation is a major problem in the first trimester. It is important to note, however, that you must not strain while passing motions. Straining can affect the pregnancy which is still in its budding stages.

Instead, opt for safe, natural medicines to treat not just constipation, but also acidity and exhaustion. Homeopathy is the best choice here because it can be safely given to the pregnant mother and will not hamper the growth and development of the baby.

Remember, a good first trimester usually gives way to a healthy and happy journey towards motherhood.

