Teaching Children Good Touch-Bad Touch

Daily we hear about incidents of young kids being sexually abused in various parts of the country.

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The incidence of these cases are only increasing each year. Teaching children about body safety is extremely important in today’s world. Although many schools teach this as part of school curriculum, it is imperative that parents first educate their children at home.

There are different ways of teaching children body safety. Using pictures, stories and videos is helpful.

For young children, a good way is teaching them is through what is called “Circle of Life”.

First and foremost, help them identify their private parts, draw pictures of a girl and boy and ask them to identify private parts.

Then explain the following circles in a pictorial way

  • Private circle- The people who can touch them on their private parts. Ex: when they are small- parents, a doctor while examining them in presence of parents
  • Hug circle- People whom they can hug or sit on their lap. Ex: grandparents, close relatives, family friends
  • Handshake/ wave circle- people whom they can shake hands or wave, but cannot hug or sit on lap. Ex: distant relatives, acquaintances, shop keepers, house maids etc
  • Stranger circle- people who should be avoided. Ex: strangers

Draw circles for each and ask the child to write names in corresponding circles. Repeat this as a game with them once in few days.

Few things to teach children:
  • Teach them the correct way to name body parts while bathing or while using the washroom
  • Tell them no one has the right to touch them, anytime, anywhere if they don’t like it, no matter who the person is
  • Don’t get emotional while explaining. Do it in a non-judgmental manner
  • Bad touch wont be only touch to private areas but anything which makes them uncomfortable like someone touching their lips
  • Tell them they are not supposed to touch other’s private parts as well
  • Teach them to say NO and report to you
  • Practice these things with your children
Few things parents should do:
  • Make kids understand the importance of confiding in their parents
  • Help them to feel comfortable with their own bodies
  • Explain to them that they need to report to parents if anyone touches them inappropriately
  • Talk to them daily, know their friends and their whereabouts
  • If you observe any sudden behavioral changes or drop in academic performance, do pay more attention. If needed, take help of counselors
  • In case any child reports abuse, it should be taken seriously
  • Believing and supporting the child is crucial

