This Christmas Eat, Drink and Be Healthy

Eat, drink and be merry – when we think of the Christmas holiday season, we imagine rich fruit cakes, cookies and chocolates.

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At the back of our minds, we also tuck away a little excuse to indulge, after all, getting healthy is what New Year’s resolutions are for right?

In India, the festive season begins long before Christmas. With Ganesh Chaturthi, Dussehra and Diwali, it’s a long season of indulgence which can begin to take an unhealthy toll.

However, having a holly, jolly, Christmas does not mean having an unhealthy diet or not practicing proper self-care. You can still be healthy and indulge in the spirit of the season.

Here are a few tips to help you enjoy the Christmas festivities and have a healthful holiday:

Eat mindfully – choose quality over quantity: The tempting spread of Christmas fare can cause us to overindulge in too many carbs and empty calories.  Planning home cooked meals with nutrient rich options is a great start to healthy holiday eating. Avoid overly processed foods and make use of fresh fruits in desserts. At get-togethers and parties, use smaller plates for smaller portions and wait 15-20 minutes before deciding to go for second servings.

Drink responsibly: While the holidays are a time for parties and drinks, choosing to drink responsibly and limiting alcohol intake will help you to keep on top of your health plan through the festivities. Limit yourself to two alcoholic drinks and replace the sugar in beverages with freshly squeezed fruit juices, sparkling water and club soda. Also, remember to keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water, which we tend to overlook in cold weather.

Keep your body warm: During the cold, dry winter months, protect your skin by dressing warmly and remember to moisturise regularly.  yourself with hot showers and baths which can help to open up and drain sinuses and get rid of nasal congestion. Soak up some morning sunshine for a good dose of Vitamin D which can help in boosting your immunity and metabolism. Having hot teas and warm healthy soups is another great way to stay hydrated and full during the holiday season. Soups are also packed with nutrients, are easy to digest and can help you to stave off a cold.

Keep moving and exercise: The festive season can make us forget our diet and exercise routine, and paired with the cold weather, it can make us want to just lie around and eat cake all day. Don’t wait until the New Year to get back on your fitness track. Take advantage of the cooler climate to go on morning walks or a jog. Park your vehicle a little farther away from your destination and walk the rest of the way. Dedicating at least 30 minutes of exercise a day to burn the calories of Christmas goodies will help you to stay fit and healthy during a time of holiday indulgence.

Smile, be happy and practice gratitude:

Lastly, don’t forget that Christmas is the season of cheer! Spend quality time with your family and friends and enjoy being in good company. Volunteer and give back to society to spread the joy. Be thankful that as another year comes to a close, we are still here and we are able to enjoy the goodness of the season.

While the holidays are a time for food, family, friends and festivities, there is no need to get derailed from your fitness goals. A bit of planning, mindfulness and smart choices can help you to enjoy the merriment while helping you stay on track. So, keep these tips in mind and enjoy a happy, healthy holidays!



Sudha Joshi Betarbet

Health Editor