Categories Health

Top 6 Tips For Safe And Healthy Diwali

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Diwali, the festival of lights is here! Festivities are all about delicacies, social gatherings, shopping, dressing up, and so much more. During the festival season, we tend to neglect our health in the hectic process of cleaning, organizing parties, get-togethers, and more. It is observed that executing these hassle activities, one usually ends up taking a toll on the health.  

Good health and happy times go hand-in-hand and your health should be your topmost priority even during festive times. In the below section, we have curated a list of a few easy tips and tricks for having a safe and healthy Diwali: 

  • Follow your workout regime: 

You must try not to avoid your workout session or exercise with the excuse of festivities. You must plan your schedule in a manner that you don’t tend to skip any workout session. In case, you are aware that you can miss your workout sessions for some consecutive days due to festival activities, then you must go for walks, practice yoga, etc for staying fit.

  • Avoid bursting of firecrackers:

Carbon particles from fumes and chemical vapours from firecrackers aggravate allergic skin problems. These toxic fume particles can aggravate conditions like allergic rhinitis as well as trigger asthma and bronchitis. These can affect the lungs and cause respiratory issues too.  

Not only the firecrackers affect health but also cause a lot of noise pollution. If you have pets at home, you should be more careful as they are highly affected by noise pollution. Try and keep your pets at indoors.  

  • Eat responsibly: 

People with diabetes must take care and avoid eating excess sweets and deep-fried foods during festivities. Excess intake of such foods can worsen your condition with increased blood glucose levels and cholesterol levels. During the festival season, we must avoid eating outside food as it can cause some stomach infections which affect immunity and overall health. Remember, bulk orders and less staff is a combination that lures food suppliers to selling stale food. 

You must choose Vitamin C-rich food to boost immunity. To keep your immunity up, you must consume food rich in magnesium, omega fatty acids, and vitamin C. Go for low sugar dry-fruit sweetmeats over the regular ones. You must keep yourself hydrated as it is the key to flushing out toxins from the body.   

  • Don’t use a sanitizer before lighting a lamp/diya or candles:

Refrain from using hand sanitizers that are alcohol based especially before lighting diyas or candles. It is recommended by experts that you should wash your hands with soap and water before performing any activity that involves fire.  

Since the pandemic, sanitizer bottles are common in households and most sanitizers are alcohol based which can catch fire easily. Remember to keep the sanitizer bottles in a safe spot away from pets and children.  

  • Keep the First-aid kit handy:

Individuals who have asthma should keep their inhalers handy. Also, people who have respiratory issues must keep medicines handy and must also follow all the precautions to be safe. It is highly recommended to keep a first aid kit handy as it can be of great use when any emergency strikes.  

  • Get proper sleep:

Festivals usually disrupt the sleeping pattern. The eating pattern may also go for a toss as one is prone to binge eating, consuming alcohol, sweet beverages etc. Not sleeping well and lack of exercise may together lead to weakened immunity, drowsiness, mood swings, and more.  


Festivals such as Diwali can be safe as well as exciting and enjoyable. Once Diwali is over, your body needs to go for a detox session which includes resetting your diet, sleep cycles, and eating patterns by making necessary diet and lifestyle changes.  

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