Categories Bones & Joints

Ways to Get Your Sunshine Vitamin

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Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in many bodily functions, including bone health, immune function, and cell growth. It is also known as the “sunshine vitamin” because the body can produce it when exposed to sunlight. However, many people are deficient in vitamin D, especially those who live in northern latitudes, have dark skin, or spend most of their time indoors. 

There are a few different ways to get your sunshine vitamin: 

  • Sunlight: The best way to get vitamin D is from sunlight. When your skin is exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, it produces vitamin D. However, it is important to note that too much sun exposure can increase the risk of skin cancer. It is best to get your vitamin D from sunlight in moderation, such as by spending 10-15 minutes in the sun without sunscreen a few times per week. 
  • Food: Vitamin D is found in some foods, such as fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel), eggs, and fortified foods (milk, yogurt, cereal). However, it is difficult to get enough vitamin D from food alone. 
  • Supplements: Vitamin D supplements are a convenient way to ensure that you are getting enough of this important nutrient. Vitamin D supplements are available in a variety of forms, including capsules, gummies, drops, and mouth strips. 

Different forms of vitamin D supplements 

  • Cholecalciferol capsules: Cholecalciferol is the most common form of vitamin D3 supplements. It is a concentrated form of vitamin D that is well-absorbed by the body. 
  • Ergocalciferol: Ergocalciferol is a plant-based form of vitamin D2. It is not as well-absorbed as vitamin D3, but it can still be helpful for people who are deficient in vitamin D. 
  • Vitamin D3 gummies: Vitamin D3 gummies are a tasty and convenient way to take vitamin D supplements. They are especially popular with children and adults who have difficulty swallowing pills. 
  • Vitamin D3 drops: Vitamin D3 drops are a versatile and easily absorbable form of the vitamin. They can be added to food or drinks, or taken directly by mouth. 
  • Thin paper-like mouth strips: Vitamin D3 mouth strips are a convenient and palatable way to take vitamin D supplements. They dissolve quickly in the mouth, making them ideal for people who have difficulty swallowing pills. 
  • Sachets: Vitamin D3 sachets typically contain a higher dose of vitamin D (60,000 IU) than other forms of supplements. They are intended to be taken once a week. 
  • Vitamin D injections: Vitamin D injections are typically reserved for people who are severely deficient in vitamin D and who cannot absorb vitamin D supplements from the gut. 
  • Cod liver oil capsules: Cod liver oil is a natural source of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. Cod liver oil capsules are a good option for people who are looking for a natural source of vitamin D and who also want to benefit from the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. 

How much vitamin D do you need? 

The recommended daily intake of vitamin D for adults is 600 IU. However, some people may need more vitamin D, such as older adults, people with dark skin, and people with certain medical conditions. It is important to talk to your doctor about how much vitamin D is right for you. 

How to choose the right vitamin D supplement?

There are many different types of vitamin D supplements available, so it is important to choose one that is right for you. Consider the following factors when choosing a vitamin D supplement: 

  • Form: Vitamin D supplements are available in a variety of forms, including capsules, gummies, drops, mouth strips, sachets, and injections. Choose a form that is convenient and easy for you to take. 
  • Dose: Vitamin D supplements are available in a variety of doses. Choose a supplement that provides the recommended daily intake of vitamin D for you. 
  • Quality: Choose a vitamin D supplement from a reputable manufacturer. 


Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that is important for many bodily functions. There are a few different ways to get your sunshine vitamin, including sunlight, food, and supplements. Choose the method that is best for you and your needs.