Weighing In on Pregnancy Weight

While pregnancy is a joyous experience (no doubt!), some of us can be pretty upset about the weight gain that comes with pregnancy i.e Pregnancy Weight Gain.

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Sometimes during pregnancy, the phrase ‘eating for two’ might be taken a bit too literally, which later comes as a surprise at the end of the trimester, when the weighing scale shows that you have gained a lot more weight than recommended. It is but natural to gain weight during pregnancy, but the question is, how much is too much?

What Should Be Your Ideal Weight Gain?

The very first thing that you need to know is that your pregnancy weight gain depends on what your body mass index (BMI) was before you became pregnant. If you were underweight, you would be required to put on weight; and the reverse applies if you were obese. Simply put, if you weighed more before pregnancy, you need to put on less weight and vice versa.

Now that you know how much weight you need to put on, what another way than knowing what to eat?

Healthy Food and Healthy Pregnancy Weight Go Hand in Hand

A healthy diet can not only ease your pregnancy, but it can also give your unborn child a healthy head start in life. But have you ever had these moments of intense confusion about the various food groups, coupled with what your mom/grand mom tells you? Well, more often than we realize, scientific evidence and what elders say, match!

Remember that cutting down on sugary and fatty foods can go a long way in keeping excess weight off!

Well-balanced, nutrient-rich meals are the norm to live by during pregnancy. Whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy, proteins, fats, and oils are the essential healthy choices you can make.

Besides these, minerals and vitamins that you also need to know about include folic acid, iron, vitamin C, calcium, vitamin D, omega 3, and omega 6 fatty acids. These key nutrients benefit your unborn in a multitude of ways.

Remember, it is but natural to feel anxious about the rising numbers on the scale, but weight gain within recommended limits is the sign of a healthy pregnancy. Just make sure you eat healthy and stay on track to ensure a safe pregnancy.
