What Can I Do To Stay Away From Corona Virus Infection?

Corona Virus has become a global threat as cases are being identified not only in China but also in neighboring countries. India too has confirmed the 3rd diagnosed case of Corona Virus. 

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While there is a plethora of information about Corona Virus circulating everywhere, people still are confused about what should they trust! Today we bring to you everything that you need to know about this virus, what spreads the disease, what are the manifestations of Corona Virus infection and measures to be taken in order to stay away from the infection.

So let us begin by understanding where did this virus come from?

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), Corona Virus is a large family of Viruses that can cause mild flu-like symptoms to severe life-threatening symptoms. A similar outbreak of SARS in the early 2000s was again a type of a Corona Virus that killed hundreds of people. 

To put it simply, Corona Virus has been around for a while but has only ‘jumped to humans’ recently. Corona Virus has been a ‘zoonotic disease’ i.e. present in bats and other animals. There are theories that this virus may have spread from the bats to snakes and from snakes to humans.

Next, let us look at the disease or illness this virus causes in the body:

As we mentioned earlier, symptoms of infection can range from mild flu-like symptoms to life-threatening symptoms. Common manifestations of Corona Virus infections include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

In severe forms of infection, the patient can experience severe difficulty in breathing, can develop Pneumonia, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, kidney failure and even death.

The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) suggests that the symptoms can appear anytime between 2-14 days of exposure to the infected individual.

How does the virus spread?

Like any Respiratory infection, Corona Virus too spreads through person to person contact. The virus is spread through respiratory droplets produced when an already infected person sneezes or coughs. These droplets can travel to people nearby and end up in the nose, mouth or can be directly inhaled into the lungs.

How to stay away from probable sources of infection?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends the following steps for prevention of the Virus:

  • Washing your hands with soap and water thoroughly for at least 20 seconds is the best possible way to keep the virus away from you. Wash your hands every time before eating food and after you come back home from outside. Do not touch kids, newborns and old individuals with unwashed hands. If you do not have access to soap and water, opt for an Alcohol-based sanitizer (with Alcohol concentration being a minimum of 60%)
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes, nose, ears especially if your hands are unwashed.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are suffering from flu-like symptoms
  • Avoid being in crowded places. If you do not have an option- cover your nose with a mask, avoid direct contact with frequently touched objects like doorknobs, chairs, cups, tables in public spaces. If you end up touching them, again make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Try keeping your surroundings clean. Disinfect objects and frequently touched surfaces
  • WHO also recommends to avoid eating raw or uncooked eggs and meat.

Lastly, let us burst some myths associated with Corona Virus:

  • It is safe to handle a parcel/ letter or a package getting delivered from China. The WHO suggests that there is no evidence that the Corona Virus can survive for long on objects like letters and packages.
  • Your pets at home cannot be a source of Corona Virus infection. There is no evidence of pets carrying the new Corona Virus trait. However, there is no harm in washing your hands with soap and water every time you play with your pet or come in contact with your pet. 
  • There is no evidence that the Pneumonia vaccine or the ‘Flu Shot’ can prevent the infection. 
  • There is also no evidence that repeated rinsing of the nose with saline or gargling or the use of mouth wash can prevent the spread of infection.
  • Garlic does have anti-viral properties but again there is no solid proof in support of garlic preventing the spread of Corona Virus infection.
  • Corona Virus is capable of affecting all age groups, however old individuals and children are just more ‘susceptible’ to catching the infection because of a weak immune system. 
  • There is no role of Antibiotics in the prevention of the infection, as Antibiotics work against bacteria and not viruses.

Every case of flu is not a Corona Virus Infection. However, in case you have symptoms of flu- instead of self-medication, it is best to approach a qualified Health Care practitioner and get yourself treated. Remember the idea is to not panic but to be vigilant.