When Should We Stop Changing Clothes In Front Of Our Children?

A slightly difficult question to answer as there is very little scientific research on this topic “Whether exposing children to parental nudity has any effect in behaviors later on in life” and will vary across different cultures and families.

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The second part is complete undressing or just changing clothes.

One rule doesn’t fit all but the general observation is that when children start getting sexually awakened about their own bodies and start exploring, probably it’s the time to stop. You need to communicate to them that some parts on the body are private. Some parents have a different approach on this and they take this as an opportunity to explain children about private parts and body safety.


So, when your child starts posing you awkward questions about “private parts” or starts feeling awkward, you should take the call. Some signs like,

  • Covering themselves up when you walk into them changing clothes
  • If they change directions when you start undressing in front of them
  • If they start feeling awkward while changing in front of their siblings/cousins
  • Starting taking care of their own bodies
  • Children requesting privacy while changing or bathing

This usually happens by the age of 3-4 years. Seeing that parents looks different from me could invoke confusion, fear and embarrassment in your child. So, trust your instincts and act accordingly.

