Categories Mental Health


While there is a lot of information out there about physical
health and there is stigma-free access to healthcare when it comes to our
bodies, not as much emphasis is placed on mental health. But it should be.
World Mental Health Day is just around the corner on 10th October and there is
no better time to be talking about psychological well-being.

The concept of sick leave has been around for a long time
where employees can take time off work to address health needs or address a
private matter, but this rarely covers psychological health needs. In the past,
sharing with someone at work that you are feeling burned out or need to
rejuvenate may not have been seen favorably or perceived as an excuse to slack
off work. Thankfully, times are changing. Now it is becoming increasingly
acknowledged that everyone needs a break sometimes and that our mental health
needs space of its own. Many modern corporate workspaces are thus promoting
mental health days from time to time, which in fact improves productivity,
enhances employee satisfaction, and substantially reduces workplace burnout.

But how do you know when you should take a mental health
day? Look for the signs; they are a likely to tip you off on when you need some
time off. Identify if and when you are facing a few or all of the following:

  • You feel overburdened or overwhelmed and
    emotionally drained
  • You are having trouble concentrating, feeling
    restless and distracted
  • You feel easily irritable with others around you
  • You are experiencing feelings of stress and anxiety
  • You notice you are falling sick more often, or
    have more headaches or gastrointestinal problems
  • Your performance at work or at home is suffering

We have lived for a long time in a work culture that
emphasizes productivity, hence it may take some time for employees to get used
to the idea of taking a mental health day off. Some may even feel guilty for
taking time off for emotional needs. But you shouldn’t. Mental health days are
meant for much-needed rest and relaxation. It is an act of self-care that will
in fact allow you to refresh, rejuvenate, and realign yourself with your needs.
It is important to take this time off. Here’s why:

  • Just taking some time off will allow your mind
    to calm down and combat feelings of stress and overwhelm.
  • Investing some time in yourself is also good for
    workplace productivity, because you can perform better and less likely to make
    errors when you are back in action after feeling refreshed.
  • A mental health day gives you the time and space
    to reconnect with important aspects of your life outside of work such as your
    relationships, interests, and your own self.
  • Research shows that workplace burnout can have serious
    negative effects like depression and anxiety. Mental health days act as a
    protective factor.
  • It promotes a good work-life balance and enhances
    your coping skills.

Mental health is just as important as physical health.
Psychological well-being is integral to all-round wellness. While it is
important to make the effort to incorporate little rituals into every day to
make it better, whether it’s by taking a 10-minute post-lunch stroll, or
reading something humorous or connecting with a friend over a call, it’s still
important sometimes to take a whole day to yourself. Don’t hesitate. Take a
break and take stock of your needs. It doesn’t make you weak to take a mental
health day.Rather, it shows that you
take your own wellbeing seriously. Go ahead and take the day off without guilt;
you deserve some self-care and both your mind and body will thank you for it.