Woman’s body change after sex

Is sex not amazing?? Well, people who are into would proclaim a resounding yes and people who are yet to discover would proclaim, don’t know or is it so??? But the fact is that sex is the most pleasurable and amazing thing in every couple’s life!!

If you are a couple, then you know it and if you are in a relation or planning to move onto bit beyond hugs and kisses then you will know it sooner! Anything that you do physically will have an impact on your body and this holds good for sex too. In fact, sex in simpler words is getting physical and hence for sure as certain impacts or changes that would get onto your life!

Here we are discussing the changes that happens in a woman’s body as she starts getting involved in sex. The changes are –

  • Breasts become firmer and tighter
  • Breasts become bigger – About 25% increase in the size of the breast is expected
  • Nipples become more sensitive than before
  • Happy hormones increase in the body thus you start feeling happy more than before
  • Your vagina becomes more flexible, contracts and expands as the need including clitoris
  • Vaginal elasticity changes
  • Vaginal lubrication increases than before
  • Water retaining in the body increases
  • Mood swings are expected
  • Delayed periods
  • Affectionate feeling increases
  • Skin glow enhances
  • Confidence levels increases
  • Swelling of the area around the nipples
  • Release of more scented sweat from the body
  • Stress and feeling nervous

The above mentioned changes are felt in the initial days and as the sexual frequency increases, the changes become less notified. It is also believed that the changes are directly proportional to the amount of sexual arousal the woman has! Higher sexual arousal leads to higher orgasm and thus more pleasure!

In order to enjoy the pleasure of first sexual intercourse, be sure that it is at right age, with right partner and with protection thus you enjoy only the pleasures and not stress!!!