10 Effective Home Remedies to Remove Measles Marks

Are you down with measles? Are those ugly measles scars on your body troubling you? If you nodded along in agreement, then choosing some effective home remedies can help you remove the scars due to measles substantially.

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And, if you are still racking your brains thinking about different ways to get rid of these measles scars, think no further. Read on to learn all about it.

What Is Measles?

Measles is a contagious viral disease characterized by the appearance of rashes throughout your body. It commonly affects children. Eventually rash blisters heal, dry, and vanish, leaving behind tiny red or white marks or scars all over your body. Measles scars are quite embarrassing, and you may feel less confident, irritated, and experience dampened self-esteem with the marks present all over your body. So, let’s have a look at some effective home remedies to eliminate the measles scars from your body. 

10 Effective Home Remedies To Remove Measles Marks

  1. Sandalwood- Sandalwood offers soothing effect to your skin and alleviates the measles marks effectively. It is one of the most effective home remedies to minimize scars on your skin. Add some drops of water to the sandalwood powder, make a paste, and apply it over the scars on your skin. Let it dry for about 15 minutes. Later, wash it with cold water.
  2. Vitamin E- One of the most effective home remedies to get rid of measles marks is Vitamin E oil, as it eliminates the scars completely in a few weeks. Make sure you apply vitamin E oil on your measles scars regularly and soon you will have clear skin.
  3. Lemon Juice- Lemon juice is highly effective in eliminating scars due to measles. It acts as a powerful astringent to lighten the marks substantially. It balances the pH of your skin, cleanses the skin, and aids in tightening the pores.Extract fresh lemon juice, apply it on your affected skin area for some minutes, wash it with water, and let it dry. You can dilute lemon juice in water if you have a sensitive skin.You can also cut a fresh lemon in halves and rub the lemon on the scars to get rid of them.
  4. Tomato- Fresh tomato juice is highly effective in minimizing the marks of measles.Simply apply fresh tomato juice on the affected area for some time, later wash it using water, and let it dry. Follow this twice every day. Applying combination of tomato and cucumber pulp is quite effective in removing the marks.Also, you can rub a freshly cut piece of tomato over the affected skin.
  5. Almond oil – Almond oil is a great home remedy to mitigate the measles marks. Just apply almond oil on the scars on your body and gently massage the skin with oil daily till the marks disappear.
  6. Neem Leaves Or Margosa- Margosa or neem leaves are highly effective in getting rid of not just measles marks but also various skin problems.Get fresh neem leaf extract and apply it on your measles scars twice or thrice every day till the scar disappears.You can also add need leaves to your bathing water and have bath to get relief from itching sensation and mitigate the marks.
  7. Potato- Application of the raw potato juice is quite effective in eliminating the marks from your body. Potato comprises crucial nutrients i.e. sulphur and potassium that aid in eliminating the scars.Simply apply the raw potato juice on the marks on skin, particularly on your facial area, to get rid of them.
  8. Cocoa Butter- Cocoa butter contains phytochemicals that help lighten the marks of measles on your body and also reduce inflammation of skin. Also, the high antioxidant content in cocoa butter aids in reversing the skin damage resulting due to the effect of free radicals and moisturizes your skin significantly. Gently massage your affected skin area with some cocoa butter, let it stay on your scar overnight, and wash your skin in the morning. Follow this home remedy every night before going to bed. 
  9. Dandelion Root- Dandelion root is quite effective in removing toxins from your body, detoxifying your skin, and help you have spots-free, clear, glowing skin. Steep dandelion root in a cup of hot water, strain the dandelion tea, and drink this warm herbal tea twice for a few days. You will notice reduction of marks on your skin significantly.
  10. Lavender oil- Applying lavender oil on your measles scars soothes your skin substantially and helps you get rid of them. Take two or three drops of lavender oil on a small cotton ball and dab the cotton ball on your scar affected skin. Follow this daily till the marks are removed completely.

The WHO identifies measles as one of the leading causes of death among young children. So, if you suspect a case of measles consult a Doctor immediately.
