5 Kick-Ass Ways to Beat Job Stress

Have you heard the axiom “it’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it?’ When was the last time when you felt

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Work Pressure? Was it after a showdown with the boss, or a heated argument with an irate customer, or when you failed to achieve your targets? The reasons may differ, but work pressure does make you anxious, increases your heart rate, and makes you breathe faster. Does that mean stress is bad? No. In fact, when faced with a potentially challenging situation, stress helps us fight the situation or escape as fast as possible.

Excessive work pressure compromises your productivity and performance at work. Also, it impacts you both physically and emotionally disrupting relationships and home life. Is job stress or work pressure making you feel powerless, helpless, and stuck? Then, you are reading the right stuff.

Given below are 5 ways to effectively combat work pressure:

1. Schedule your Priorities:

A famous motivational speaker once said, “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.” Just remember this single mantra, and keep stress at a hand’s distance away from you. Isn’t scheduling priorities stressful? Not really!! You can schedule your priorities effectively using the following steps:

  • Categorize your activities:

All activities are likely to be somewhat important and somewhat urgent. Rank them as more or less important or urgent compared with others on the list.

  • Sort them in order:

Sort them as important and urgent; important but not urgent; not important but urgent, and not important and not urgent.

  • Evaluate priorities:

Evaluate your priorities and start acting. It’s that simple! A priority list a day will certainly keep your stress away!

2. Master the Triggers: Shoot your Work Pressure or Stress

Is your work overwhelming? Do you feel pressurized by your boss? Do you face a time crunch? Do you feel less-paid and overworked? Yes? Then it’s time for introspection.

The stress affects you because you feel that the demand for you outweighs the resources. However, if you observe the stress carefully and monitor your responses to them, you can identify what causes the reaction.

Start maintaining a Journal or an excel sheet of your thoughts, feelings, and actions right away. Understand your stress triggers, build a combat strategy, and be stress-ready. Chances are stress won’t hover around you then.

3. Gain the Right Perspective

You cannot control everything in your work environment. Accept that. However, that doesn’t make you are incompetent or useless. Every member of the team contributes to its growth.

Take the words of this great scientist of India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, to get a right perspective on work:

  • Work is a never-ending process. It can never be completed.
  • An interest of a client is important, so is your family.
  • If you fall in life, neither your boss nor client will offer you a helping hand; your family and friends will.
  • Life is not only about work, office, and client. There is more to life.
  • You need time to socialize, entertain, relax and exercise. Don’t let life be meaningless.
  • You did not study hard and struggle in life to become a machine.

4. Effective Communication for a Stress-Free Association

You remember the childhood game of “Chinese whispers?” By the time the actual message reached your ears and you had to speak out loud, it had already been distorted, isn’t it? Unfortunately, we still carry that game in our personal and professional lives.

According to Stephen Covey, (author of the bestseller “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”) “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” Miscommunication at any hierarchical level is an open invitation to stress. Note that.

When you convey something, make sure all involved parties are on the same page. Remember the golden rule. Greater the clarity of communication, less the stress.

5. Delegate before it’s too late

As per a popular notion “Sadness decreases by sharing.” By that logic, if you can share your stress, you can reduce the load. We call this delegation. Delegation can decrease your stress by increasing your time, productivity, and ability to make decisions. Tips for better delegation:

6. Pick the right people

You can’t afford to assign an already busy employee with an additional workload or work stress. That will cause burnout. Choose people with the right attitude and aptitude.

7. Don’t Over Delegate

Delegation aims to get your work done not wash your hands off it. Always remember that.

8. Be Specific

Be clear about your expectations from work before delegating it (especially the deadlines and results).



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