Categories 1 Dentistry Diabetes

6 Common Dental Problems You Must Never Ignore

You eat well, work out, de-stress and sleep well. Seems like you have your health sorted. But do you really take care of your oral health? Mind you, brushing two times a day is not enough! Even if you maintain proper oral hygiene, there are chances you might be dealing with some kind of dental problem.

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Here are some common dental problems you might be facing, and which requires an immediate visit to the dentist’s clinic.

Bad breath

Also known as halitosis, bad breath can be quite embarrassing. Experts suggest that bad breath is caused by other dental conditions. Cavities, gum problems, dry mouth and bacteria are to blame for halitosis. Mouthwash can only cover up the foul odor but will not get to the root of the problem. If you have persistent bad breath, you should visit a dentist for an effective treatment. 

Tooth decay or cavities

Tiny holes in and around the surface of your tooth are called cavities. This dental problem is quite common in children. Cavities are caused by the settling of plaque on the surface of the teeth. Plaque is caused by consuming food that is high in starch or sugar content. The bacteria in your mouth feed on this starch and sugar which leads to the deterioration of protective coat(enamel) of your teeth. Dental problems like cavities require fillings which can be performed by a dentist only.

Gum disease

As mentioned before, plaque can bring about bacterial infection. These bacteria can eat away the gum tissue and the ligaments that are responsible for holding the teeth together. This results in sensitivity, inflammation of gums and even bleeding. Keep in mind that if you keep ignoring the symptoms, your gum problems will become harder to treat. People with poor dental hygiene and diabetes are prone to developing gum infections.

Dry mouth

Also known as xerostomia, dry mouth is a condition wherein the saliva glands cannot produce enough saliva to keep the mouth moist. It may be caused by stress, aging, medicine or smoking. Our saliva has antimicrobial property that helps keep plaque, cavities and tooth decay at bay. The common symptoms of dry mouth are chapped lips, bad breath, mouth sores, gum irritation or burning feeling in the mouth. It is advised to keep drinking more water to keep your mouth hydrated.

Root infection

Root infection occurs when the bottom part of a tooth (root) becomes infected. If left untreated, your pulp tissue and nerves can become damaged. Root infection occurs due to a deep crack, cavity or fracture. They can be very painful and may also cause facial swelling. If you suspect a root infection, do not delay, consult a dentist today. A timely root canal treatment can release you from your misery.

Tooth sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a very common problem and affects most of the population. In this condition, a person experiences pain or discomfort in their teeth from having sweets, ice cream, cold drinks or even hot drinks. People with sensitive teeth also feel discomfort while brushing or flossing their teeth. A dentist can help you deal with this issue by providing the right treatment.


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