7 Habits for a Healthy Thyroid

30 years back, not many people were aware of a butterfly-shaped organ present in the throat called the thyroid gland.

[the_ad id=”7035″]But then, 30 years back, the thyroid gland did not have to face so many physical and emotional stresses!

Today, the world is different. It has become more competitive and ambitious, and less relaxed. And that is why, the thyroid gland is so much in the news because it is buckling under tremendous pressure of lack of sleep, bad eating habits, physically inactive lifestyles, and of course, mental stress. 

So what is this thyroid, and why is it so important for you function healthily?

Consider the accelerator in your car. It revs up your car to travel at a certain speed, and the speed is controlled by the pressure applied by your foot. Your thyroid gland is just like this accelerator, and your brain is like that foot. When needed, the brain applies pressure on the thyroid to function more than usual, and releases the pressure when this is not needed.

But, just like an over-speeding car is dangerous to life, and an under-speeding one is unfavorable for the overall condition of the car, a hyperactive or hypoactive thyroid is detrimental to health.

The thyroid gland is responsible for almost all of your vital functions, right from energy to metabolism, from maintaining body temperature to looking after growth and development, it has a hand in everything. So imagine what a slight discrepancy in its sensitive functioning can do.

Be it hypothyroid (decreased thyroid function) or hyperthyroid (increased thyroid function), both need to be dealt with actively with correct medications, regular investigations and lifestyle modification.

Here are a few simple things you can follow to help ensure your thyroid functions properly:

  1. Cut Down on Gluten

Specific For: Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Research studies have shown that cutting down on gluten-containing foods like wheat, semolina (rava), barley, bulgur, spelt and couscous can help fight Hashimoto’s disease. Gluten is said to encourage inflammation in the body, and its restriction can help the body to heal faster and better.

  1. Avoid Cruciferous Vegetables

Specific For: Hypothyroidism

Certain vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and bok choy are known to suppress thyroid function, especially when consumed raw. Avoid eating them till the time thyroid function returns to normal.

  1. Go in For Omega-3

Specific For: All Thyroid problems

Omega-3 is a good fat that helps to fight inflammation and strengthens immune system. Include more of fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, and if you are a vegetarian, then flaxseeds, chia seeds and kidney beans in your meals.

  1. Make Time for Vitamin D

Low levels of Vitamin D have shown to be linked to thyroid disease, and a healthy level of Vitamin D has been seen to be of help in thyroid health.  Daily exposure to early morning sunlight for 10-15 minutes can boost Vitamin D levels. Salmon, tuna and sardines also provide small amount of Vitamin D.

  1. Exercise

Exercising in moderation is known to help the thyroid patients largely. Pilates, Yoga, brisk walking, jogging, swimming and cycling are excellent choices that can help to improve thyroid function, without promoting inflammation.

  1. Get A Tap on Stress

Specific For: All Thyroid Problems

It is not easy but it’s not a Herculean task either. Stress makes your thyroid perform at a sub-optimum level.  Do all that it takes to de-stress, like restarting a hobby, taking up Yoga, or even something as simple as a relaxed stroll.

  1. Opt for Homeopathy

Specific For: All Thyroid Problems

Homeopathic medicines are among the safest medicines, having no side effects. They work by stimulating the immune system to regulate hormones and bring about harmony in the body without the use of any harsh chemicals. For the sensitive thyroid, Homeopathy has some of the best solutions.

