8 Tips for Self-Grooming During Pregnancy

To keep that glow intact, indulgence, and pampering are just the ideal tools. You deserve to look like a queen for the

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 prince or princess who is on his/her way. Your goal is to groom yourself (stay in shape) during your pregnancy.  With the right exercise and nutrition advice, you can stay fit and healthy.

1: Consume plenty of water 
Drinking enough water overcomes nausea and tiredness (via hydration) and can make you less hungry. It is advisable to drink 3 liters per day (use a steel container to store) during pregnancy and more if you are exercising.

2: Go easy on sugar and junk food
Sugars and junk foods would definitely add to your pregnancy weight and fluid gain. Therefore, consciously avoid white bread, cereals, and bakery products since they are converted to sugar. This excess sugar is converted to fat and stored in your hips, arms, breasts, and abdomen.

3: Do not fear eating protein and fat
Fats are provided by flax seed oil, nuts, seeds, olive oil, coconut oil, cottage cheese, quality butter, and avocado oil.  Controlled fats do not add to your weight (exercise to burn out). Protein foods like meats, eggs, oat meals, soy milk, tofu, whole wheat bread, baked beans, broccoli, brown rice, and peanut butter are a must. Fats and proteins reduce your hunger and cravings.

4: Get enough sleep
Ensure you sleep well and rest. Body adaptation and improvement occurs with a good rest. Sleep for a minimum of 8 hours is essential to restore your energy. You are growing a baby and will need extra rest than normal.

5: Enjoy your exercise
It is important to do the exercise and activity that you love the most. Walking with a correct posture is a good form of exercise. Swimming is good if you know and like to swim. Exercise also improves your muscle tone and reduces your nagging aches and pains. It avoids extra weight gain and improves prenatal fitness and strength.

6: Adopt an upright posture!!
By standing up straight, you can look slimmer. Do not droop your shoulders and adopt a forward head posture, as it is detrimental for your baby’s growth and your looks. Learn the posture strengthening and stretching exercises. Good posture reduces hip and back pain, positions your baby into a comfortable position.

7: You need to weigh yourself!
It is a fact that your weight increases as pregnancy advances – 8 to 20 kg if you are exercising. Follow the tips to stay in fabulous shape during pregnancy. Weighing more during pregnancy should not be a major concern.

8: Make sure you listen to your body
Lastly, listening to your body is the key to staying in shape. Every woman is different and what works for one may not work for another. Energy for some weeks and no energy for some is a common occurrence.  

