9 Tips On How To Protect Your Eyes At Work Place

Did you ever try closing your eyes for half an hour or at least ten minutes and work on something? If not, try once. You will realize the significance of eyes and the vision.

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Follow these tips to protect your eyes at the work place.- If you are working on a computer, follow them to reduce eyestrain and to keep your eyes as healthy as possible. 

  • Blink more often- People generally tend to blink less while staring at the computer screen or any electronic device. Blinking is very important while working on a computer as it moistens your eyes and prevents irritation and drying. If you forget to blink, you are at risk of developing dry eye syndrome.
  • Stay hydrated- Drinking adequate water is not just good for health; but also to your eyes. So drink plenty of water while working on the computer and also keep over-the-counter eye drops available at the work place to keep your eyes well hydrated.
  • Use 20/20/20 rule- 20/20/20 is an eye exercise performed to reduce the risk of dry eyes. If you are working on a computer. Always remember to take a 20-second break, every 20 minutes and focus on the vision that is nearly 20 feet away. This will help in keeping your eyes moist.
  • Take “mini-breaks”- People who take a 15-minute break from the computer in a day are at higher risk of developing eye strain when compared to people who take four additional 5-minute “mini-breaks.” So take regular mini-breaks without affecting the work productivity. And also, do not forget to stand up and stretch your arms legs back, neck and shoulders to reduce tension and muscle fatigue during the breaks.
  • Use computer eye wear- For the greatest comfort at the computer, you can even modify your eyeglasses to customized computer glasses. It is especially good for those who are habituated to lenses as they may become dry and uncomfortable during continuous computer work.
  • Routine eye exams- You should develop a habit of undergoing an eye checkup every year or more often even if you are not experiencing any problems. During the exam, make sure to tell your doctor how often you use a computer at the work place.
  • Use proper lighting- Excessive bright light usually causes eye strain. Therefore, when you are working make sure your ambient light should not be bright and try to eliminate the exterior light by closing drapes or shades. Use fluorescent tubes or lower intensity bulbs and tubes.
  • Adjust computer display settings- Adjust the brightness of the display so that it is approximately the same as the brightness of your surrounding workplace. You can also use glare filters on your computer. Make sure you adjust the text size, especially while reading or documenting to reduce eye strain and fatigue.
  • Adjust your workplace- Incorrect posture during computer work also contributes to computer vision syndrome. To prevent this, adjust the workstation and chair to the correct height and place the screen nearly 20 to 26 inches away from the eyes and a bit below the eye-level. Try to select computer screens that can tilt and swivel and an adjustable keyboard.

Apart from the tips mentioned, make sure you eat well, and get adequate sleep at night to give required rest, lubrication and nutrients to your eyes. Following these simple steps will go a long way towards protecting your eyes at the work place. Don’t take your eyes for granted and let eyestrain sneak upon you. Remember, your eyes are not designed for non-stop computer use. Follow the tips and make healthy adjustments to protect your eyes.
